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    SAB Case Study

    This is an actual case study based on work performed


    Staffing Solutions 123 had a problem with low customer loyalty and employee morale. This affected their revenue stream, so they implemented an incentive program that focused on performance instead of hours worked for employees and improved the quality of service provided. 

    They increased retention rates, which led directly to better business operations, including profit margins and overall sales numbers. Improved client satisfaction also translated into increased profits even sooner than expected.

    Realized Growth

    Staffing over a 9-month period: 35%

    Revenue growth over a 2-month period: 250% increase

    The Pivot

    Staffing Solutions 123 is a renowned US-based staffing agency, known for its customer service. However, they were experiencing a decrease in revenues and needed an influx to get them through until the next season started up.

    Staffing Solutions123 was in a tough spot. The outlook for their industry and customer base was bleak, leading them to seek help from other companies that specialize in business strategy, like ours. We’re happy we could be there when they needed our expertise because it seems as though things are finally looking up, and staff defections have slowed down considerably over recent months.

    The goal of our project was to find out what is driving loyalty and retention in both customers and employees. We did this by identifying key factors affecting these two metrics and then designing a strategy to reduce declining revenues while increasing top employee retention rates. 

    Our Approach in Segments

    We identified three primary sources affecting retention and loyalty.

    1. The value people get from their purchases

    2. How easy it was to acquire those products or services (i e., whether there’s an easier way) 

    3. Whether you feel like your investment paid off after using something and whether it comes with lasting benefits like healthier living habits

    The most important thing for a company to have in their customer service strategy is understanding what makes customers tick. We talked with many current and past clients about how they make decisions on who gets helped next, and what drives them toward loyalty or away from it quicker than any other factor.

    We combined this study with a larger one that examined the frontline sales managers of our client. We found that their tenure, customer satisfaction/retention rates, and profitability are all strongly correlated. The more time you spend working in these areas means greater chances for success.

    The company made strategic decisions that had a significant impact on the success of its initiatives. For example, a performance-based incentive was created to increase profits and stay competitive with other companies implementing similar programs for managers. This would allow the company to control how employees perform and increase motivation through recognition and opportunities such as trips or free memberships at country clubs, depending on what type is needed.

    In a short time, the new initiatives were well received and immediately impacted company culture. The pay scheme improved morale as it was more in line with what employees expect for their hard work; this led to increased sales which also helped improve training processes, among other things.

    We supported these efforts by improving the business’s existing solutions while adding value through innovative thinking—all without disrupting any ongoing projects or commitments.

    The innovative solutions of our team enabled us to create a single strategy that could be applied across the entire client’s business.


    NOTE: The names have been changed as we respect the privacy of our clients


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