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    7 Ways to Win Investors Over With Your Investor Pitch

    Strategic Advisor Board

    What is an investor pitch?

    An investor pitch is a presentation that a business or individual makes to potential investors in order to raise money. It's typically used in the context of startup businesses, but it can also be used in the context of more established companies.

    The purpose of an investor pitch is to convince potential investors that your company is worth investing in. You'll typically start by outlining your business's goals and objectives, as well as your plans for reaching them. You'll also provide evidence that your idea is viable and has the potential to be successful. And finally, you'll outline how you plan on making money from the venture – by selling shares, receiving payments for services rendered, or some other means.

    It's important to keep things concise and straightforward when making an investor pitch – otherwise, you run the risk of losing credibility and interest from your audience. Make sure to practice beforehand so that you can give a smooth presentation that will put your business in good standing with potential investors.

    Why is it important to know how to make an investor pitch?

    There are a number of reasons why it's important to know how to make an investor pitch. For one, it can help you connect with investors in a more effective way. This is because investor pitches are a way for companies to communicate their business ideas in a concise and easily-digestible format.

    Furthermore, investor pitches can be used as a tool for marketing your company. By creating a good pitch, you'll be able to attract attention and interest from potential investors. This will help you raise money and expand your business operations.

    Last but not least, investor pitches can also be used as an opportunity to educate investors about the company that they're investing in. Through good presentation skills, you can help investors understand your business better and assess its potential risks and rewards.

    The components of a successful investor pitch

    A successful investor pitch is all about convincing your audience to invest in your company. 

    There are a number of key components that need to be included in order to achieve this, and below we will outline some of the most important ones.

    • The first is communication: you need to be able to effectively convey your ideas and convince your audience of the merits of your investment. This means being clear, concise and persuasive.
    • Second is credibility: you need to be able to demonstrate that you're qualified to invest in the product or service you're selling. This can be done through experience, education or industry credentials.
    • The third is risk management: it's important to explain why the risk involved with your investment is worth taking (both in terms of potential return and potential downside). You should also outline how you'll protect yourself if things go wrong.
    • Fourth is feasibility: make sure that your plans are feasible and realistic, and that you have a plan for scaling if things take off (or if they don't!). Finally, always keep in mind the principle of "smart beta": adjust your portfolio based on the likely changes in the market, rather than blindly following a popular investment strategy without understanding its full risks.

    The different types of investor pitches

    There are a few different types of investor pitches, and it's important to know what type of pitch you're making before you start.

    The first type of pitch is the traditional startup pitch. This type of pitch is designed to convince angels or venture capitalists that your company is worth investing in. The main objective is to show them that your business has potential and that you have the skills necessary to succeed. 

    The second type of pitch is the growth-focused pitch. This type of pitch is designed to convince investors that your company will grow rapidly in the future and offer them a high return on their investment. The main objective is to show them that your business has a lot of potentials and will be able to generate a lot of revenue in the near future. 

    The third type of pitch is the value-focused pitch. This type of pitch focuses on illustrating how your company's products or services are valuable and unique, and how they can fill a need that no other company can currently fulfil. The main objective is to convince investors that your company will be able to maintain its value over time, even in tough economic conditions.

    7 Ways to Win Investors Over With Your Investor Pitch

    There's no doubt that investors are choosy when it comes to potential investments. They want to be sure that the company they're investing in is worth their time and money, and that the management team is able to execute their vision and strategy.

    To win over investors, you need to make sure that you have a clear understanding of what they're looking for. 

    Here are Seven Keys to Winning Investors Over with Your Investor Pitch:

    1. Demonstrate your credibility

    In order to win over investors, you need to make sure that they trust you and your company. This can be done by demonstrating your credibility in a number of ways.

    One way to do this is to provide evidence that your business model is sound and sustainable. For example, if you're proposing a new investment strategy, make sure that there's solid evidence to back it up. You could also provide financial projections or performance statistics for the past few years to show that your business is doing well.

    Another way to demonstrate your credibility is by providing information about the team behind your company. Make sure that you include bios and photos of all the key players, so investors know who they're dealing with and have a better idea of their experience and skill set.

    Lastly, make sure that you answer any questions investors have about your company or product. If there are any details about your product or service that are still unknown, be prepared to explain them in detail. Doing so will help build trust and credibility between you and investors, who will then be more likely to invest in you later on.

    2. Frame the investment in a favourable light

    When you're pitching your investment to investors, it's important to frame it in a way that makes it look like a good idea. This means highlighting the potential benefits of your investment and how it will help your target audience.

    For example, you could say something like this:

    "Our platform is unique because it uses state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to identify and prevent frauds before they happen. By doing this, we're able to save our clients a lot of money and protect their businesses from bad actors."

    This way, you're showcasing the benefits of your investment while also protecting your target audience. It's an effective way of convincing investors that your investment is worth investing in.

    3. Appeal to the investor's emotions

    When it comes to convincing investors to invest in your company, you need to hit them where it hurts. That means appealing to their emotions – and doing so in a way that is both effective and persuasive.

    There are three main emotions that investors are usually motivated by when making an investment decision: hope, fear, and greed. You can use these emotions to your advantage by framing your company in a way that speaks to each one of them. For example, if you're pitching a startup that's based on blockchain technology, try emphasizing how this will change the way people do business forever. Fearmongering about the risks of not investing will also work well – after all, few things make someone feel more panicked than not understanding something they're passionate about. 

    But remember to be careful with how you use these emotions - overuse them and you'll come across as desperate and unprofessional. Instead, focus on using each emotion selectively and purposefully in order to create a genuine connection with your investor audience.

    4. Use statistics and case studies to support your points

    There are a few ways you can use statistics and case studies to support your points in your investor pitch.

    One way is to provide examples of how your product or service has benefited specific groups of people. For example, you could show how it's helped businesses become more efficient or helped people with specific health problems. You could also provide statistical data that supports the claims you're making about the future potential of your product or service. This would help convince your investors that there's a good chance that your product or service will be successful in the long run.

    You could also use case studies to illustrate how other companies have successfully implemented similar products or services in their businesses. This would help convince your investors that there's a good chance that yours will be as well. Case studies can also help illustrate the unique selling points of your product or service, which may make it more appealing to investors.

    5. Use figures to illustrate why you are the best candidate for the investment

    There are a few ways in which you can use figures to illustrate why you are the best candidate for the investor's investment.

    One way is to show how your company has grown over time. For example, if you're a startup company, you can compare your growth rate to that of other companies in the same industry or sector. This will demonstrate to investors that your business is sustainable and has the potential for continued growth. 

    Another way is to show how much money you have already raised from investors and how this money has been spent. This will reassure them that you're capable of handling more money and that you're not going to waste it on frivolous expenses. 

    You can also compare your company's financial performance with those of similar companies in order to show that it's doing well overall. This will give investors confidence that they're making an intelligent investment in your company's future.

    6. Make it personal by sharing stories about how you have benefited from investments in the past

    One of the best ways to convince someone to invest in your project is by sharing your own stories about how you have benefited from investments in the past. This makes it personal for them, and it will help them connect with your project on a more emotional level.

    You can do this by writing a blog post or creating an infographic that shares some of your experiences with investments. You can also use these materials to pitch your project to potential investors, or even use them as talking points when you meet with them face-to-face.

    By sharing your own stories about how you have benefited from investment, you are sure to make a strong case for why your project is a good investment for anyone who is considering it.

    7. Use financial projections to demonstrate how your investment will benefit both you and the investor

    Projecting financial outcomes can be a helpful way for investors to understand how your investment will benefit them. By doing this, they can make more informed decisions about whether or not to invest in it.

    There are a few different methods that can be used to project financial outcomes. The most common is the income statement projection, which looks at how much money the company will earn in each fiscal year. This can be useful in estimating future cash flow and assessing the long-term health of the business.

    Another common projection is the balance sheet projection, which looks at how much money the company will have on its books at the end of each fiscal year. This can help investors assess whether or not there's enough capital available to support future growth and expansion. 

    Finally, projections can also be made based on stock prices. This allows investors to see what kind of return they could expect if they bought into your investment now. By doing this, they can make an informed decision about whether or not it's worth investing in it.

    Bottom Line

    There are different ways and types of pitches, it is almost impossible to give the perfect one. But what you can do is follow the above-listed steps to make sure that your pitch stands out from the rest. This way, getting investors' attention will be a lot easier for you!

    But if none of these tips helped, don’t worry – just keep practising! The best way to win over investors' hearts is by listening carefully and understanding their needs before presenting your idea. With time and practice, all this will come easily!

    Now that you know how great investor pitches are made, are you ready to wow them with yours? If not, check back often as we'll be publishing more articles like these in the coming days. Or get in touch with us right away!

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    Written and Published By The Strategic Advisor Board Team
    C. 2017-2023 Strategic Advisor Board / M&C All Rights Reserved /

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