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    As A New Employee, Don't Pretend To Know Everything

    Strategic Advisor Board

    As a new employee, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. You're constantly learning new things, you're trying to impress your coworkers, and you're spending long hours at the office. But it doesn't have to be that way. In this post, here is how to make the most out of your new position as a new hire—and how to set yourself up for success in your career.

    Don't Pretend To Know Everything.

    You might think it would be an ideal situation to simply say, "I don't know anything about your business", but that's not a great idea. Firstly, it may be true – after all, you've only just started work – but it's also a huge red flag.

    Employers want to know that you're committed and enthusiastic and that you're willing to learn. That means you need to show that you are confident enough to admit that you don't know something and then get on with the task at hand.

    For example, if the company has an open plan office, you need to ask whether you can put your stuff away when you leave for the day. If you don't, they'll probably assume you're going to leave it everywhere, and you'll end up with a mess, and you won't look like a committed member of staff.

    It might seem like a good idea to tell them that you don't know the answer to their question and that it's something you'll look into, but this could actually backfire.

    If the interviewer is looking for a team player who's willing to go above and beyond, then they're going to be disappointed by someone who comes across as completely disinterested.

    In fact, it's important that you don't pretend to know absolutely everything. If you can't admit that you don't know something, then you'll just come across as arrogant, and that's definitely not what you want to do.

    How Do You Deal With An Employee Who Thinks They Know-It-All All?

    The organization is forced to pay a penalty fee when an employee does something wrong. It is known as an "Employee Performance Improvement Plan." Sometimes this process becomes very long and complicated, and the employee is always afraid, to tell the truth. He/she thinks that you will blame them and give them a bad performance review. If you keep giving them a chance, they will try to make mistakes again and again. What should you do if your employee does the same thing over and over again? Here, we'll present you with the best guide to dealing with an employee who thinks he knows-it-all.

    1. Be Nice And Patient

    If your employee thinks that he knows everything, it means he has a lot of self-confidence. If you react too harshly to him, he will lose his confidence and start thinking that he cannot learn from others. So, try to be nice to him. It may not be easy, but try to remain calm and don't get angry. You should also be fair to your employee and let him/her know when he/she makes a mistake. Let him/her know that you are only trying to help him/her improve.

    2. Set Clear Goals

    It may seem obvious, but you must first set clear goals. It is important to define what you expect from your employee. Once you have defined your goals, you must also set clear expectations. Your employee must understand what is expected of him/her in the future. If he/she doesn't meet the expectation, then there will be consequences.

    3. Avoid Punishment

    When an employee does something wrong, the organization will decide whether to punish him/her or not. When deciding whether to punish an employee, consider the following factors:

    1. How serious was the mistake?
    2. Does the mistake affect the company's reputation?
    3. Was the mistake intentional?
    4. How often has the mistake been repeated?

    If you find that your employee did something wrong intentionally, then you should punish him/her. You should also punish employees who repeat the same mistake. But, if your employee made a mistake unintentionally, or did it for a short time period, then you can give him/her a warning instead of punishing him/her.

    4. Improve The Working Environment

    Sometimes, an employee is afraid to make mistakes because of a poor working environment. For example, if you have a rule that you only allow your employees to take breaks when they are busy, then your employees may be afraid to take a break. You need to encourage your employees to make mistakes so they can learn from their mistakes.

    5. Give The Employee A Chance

    There is nothing wrong with giving your employee a chance to correct his/her mistakes. It doesn't mean that you will accept any kind of mistake.

    Sometimes, your employees make mistakes because they don't know what they are doing. However, some of your employees make mistakes because they want to impress others. When you are not sure about the reason for the mistake, you can ask your employee what he/she thought when he/she made a mistake.

    How Does The Boss Expect You To Feel More Competent Than The Previous Employee?

    You are now an employee at your company. You have been hired to do the job of someone else. In fact, you are expected to do exactly the same thing as the previous person who left. So, there is no real difference between the work you were doing before and the work you are now doing. You know that you have been hired to perform the same tasks that your predecessor was doing.

    When you first started your job, you felt a little overwhelmed by what you had to do and did not feel that you were performing your work properly. However, you soon learned what was expected of you and what was not. You gradually got the hang of it and began to develop confidence in yourself. This feeling of confidence enabled you to become much more productive.

    As a result, your productivity increased, and you became much more efficient. Your boss noticed this and asked you how you were managing to do so much more than the previous employee. You told him that you have become more confident in your ability to perform the job. He congratulated you on your success and said that he would be pleased if you could repeat this level of performance. He then asked you if you felt that you had become more competent than the previous employee.

    The question confused you. You knew that you had to do the same work as the previous employee, and you knew that the previous employee was not very competent. Why would you feel confident when you knew that you had to perform the same job that your predecessor had done?

    So, how does the boss expect you to feel more competent than the previous employee? What does it mean to be competent?

    Being competent means that you have developed skills that enable you to complete tasks quickly, efficiently and accurately. In addition, you feel confident in your ability to complete these tasks. When you feel competent, you don't have to struggle with problems or ask others for assistance. You have the skills, knowledge and ability to carry out the task you are assigned.

    Being competent means that you know how to use the tools and equipment available to you. You are able to learn new skills quickly, and you are confident in using the tools and equipment that you use.

    A good example of being competent is when you are driving. You know how to handle a vehicle. You know where the controls are located and how to operate them. You know how to read road signs, and you know how to stop safely when necessary.

    When you are competent, you have the skills, knowledge and ability to complete the job that you are assigned. You know that you will be able to do this job because you are confident in your ability to do it.

    A poor example of being competent is when you first start a new job. You have to learn everything about the job and the equipment that you use. You must learn what you need to do and how to do it. It is easy to make mistakes when you first start because there are too many things for you to learn. You feel as though you don't know anything, so you do not want to take any chances.

    Tips To Help You Out In Your First Few Weeks.

    Being new at work is hard. It's not about getting the job itself - it's more about learning what things are and how to get things done. Here are some tips that should help you out in your first few weeks.

    1: Ask Questions, Ask Questions, Ask Questions

    It is probably the most important tip. You will learn so much by simply asking questions. Don't be afraid to ask someone a question about the job - they might not always know the answers, but they're willing to try and help. Try searching online or asking a colleague if you're stuck for a particular answer.

    2: Keep A Diary

    Writing down your thoughts will help you to remember everything you do and say. It will also help you to remember what you've learned. If you forget something later, you can use your diary for jogging your memory. You could also write things down on sticky notes and stick them around your desk.

    3: Learn The Company Culture

    It sounds obvious, but make sure you're familiar with the company culture. You'll need to understand how they work, what they expect from you, and how they treat others. It will really help you to get along with your colleagues and make a good impression.

    4: Work Out How Things Are Done

    Don't just jump into things head first. Think about how you'd do it. Take a look at how you'd tackle problems if they occurred in real life. By doing this, you'll be able to get the most out of your day-to-day tasks.

    5: Always Listen To The Manager

    They may have your back, so you need to make sure that you listen to them. You may not be able to agree with everything they say, but it's good to be aware of their expectations and priorities.

    6: Learn What's Really Important

    A lot of people want to be the best at everything, and they try to cram it all into their brains. If you spend too much time on one thing, you'll miss out on other important stuff. Take the time to understand why it's important, what it takes to do well, and how you can use that knowledge to become a better teammate.

    7: Don't Pretend To Know Everything

    It's okay to ask someone about something you don't know, especially if it's a topic they're more familiar with. You don't want to come across as a know-it-all, so it's fine to admit you don't know something. But don't think you have to know everything. If there's something you want to learn, ask someone who's better informed than you.

    8: Be Willing To Admit You Are Not That Good

    It is very important to admit that you don't know something, especially if it is a new topic. It shows your interest in the subject, and it will make the people around you respect you.

    People who know things do not have to fake them. They don't have to pretend that they know everything. But they also do not show weakness by saying that they are not that good at something.

    9: Talk About It With Other People

    If you don't have anyone who can teach you, then you should talk about it with other people. You should share your knowledge with others because it will help you improve faster.

    For example, if you are interested in learning how to code, then you should talk to a programmer that knows that language. You will learn something from them, and they will be able to help you understand better.

    10: Keep Working On It

    Finally, keep working on it. You should continue reading books, watching tutorials, or even asking other people for help.

    You should never give up because there are always ways to learn something. Even if you are not able to understand everything right away, you will eventually figure out how to do it.

    What Are The Ways To Stay In The Good Books?

    When someone first joins your team, it is easy to be impressed by the knowledge and experience that they bring. However, what might be a valuable asset to you, could quickly turn into a liability. As a new employee, it is important to maintain a friendly relationship with your colleagues.

    Being friendly is the key to your success, as well as theirs. However, this comes with the risk of being seen as naïve or too eager to please. Avoiding this risk means being honest with your colleagues about your lack of knowledge but also understanding that there is a chance that they could be a better source of information than you. Here are some ways to ensure you stay in the good books.

    Be Proactive

    When it comes to being helpful, people tend to fall into one of two categories. Those who make suggestions and those who just listen. If you want to earn the respect of your colleagues, it is important that you try to be proactive. When you're listening, it is important to actively listen to what your colleagues are saying. It means taking notes and actively responding to the point your colleague is making.

    Even though you may not have the answer to every question, being proactive will show your colleagues that you care about what they're saying. It will also help you to gain their trust, as you are demonstrating that you're willing to learn and adapt to their needs.

    Be Helpful

    It is important that you don't get too caught up in trying to be helpful. By getting stuck in the way things should be done, you'll end up alienating your colleagues. The best thing you can do as a new employee is to put yourself in their position. It will allow you to understand what it is they need and what makes them happy.

    Being helpful can be challenging for people who have been in the role for a long time, especially if they've been working in a certain way for a long time. If you find yourself constantly being told what to do, then it is important that you speak up. It is your responsibility to make sure that you are aware of the current situation, as well as what your colleagues want to achieve.

    Be Transparent

    Being transparent about your own shortcomings can be tough. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't admit your mistakes, but it is important that you do so without making others feel guilty. Being honest with your colleagues is essential because it will help you to be successful and allow you to earn their trust.

    Admitting that you don't know something, or haven't heard something, is ok, but doing so in a way that makes your colleagues feel like you're making excuses is never ok.

    Wrapping Up

    it's important to have a plan for your first day at work. You need to be clear about what you're going to do and who you're going to talk to. If you're going to be the new hire, you need to make sure that you're the one that everyone is talking to. You can't expect to be the expert on everything right from the start.

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    Written and Published By The Strategic Advisor Board Team
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