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    Best Countries to Start a Startup Business

    Strategic Advisor Board

    Starting a startup is not only about having a good idea, but also finding the right investors. It is also about finding the right people and getting them onboard.

    The global economy is changing rapidly. The global economy is shifting from an industrial phase to a service-oriented one. So, it is important to understand how to set up your startup business in a way that can make you money and provide you with the opportunity to expand your business globally.

    That’s why we decided to list the best countries for startups in 2022, as well as some of their key players and what they do that makes them stand out from others.

    How To Choose The Best Countries For Startup Businesses

    We should learn to see the world through the eyes of a startup founder. After all, startups are not just about money. They are also about passion, determination and hard work.

    If you want to start a startup in any country, it is important that you understand the local culture and language. Especially when it comes to choosing a country for your business. It is not enough to know the local language or have a good command of English; you also need to know how things work in your chosen country and what kind of customer base it has so that you can be competitive in your chosen market.

    How To Find The Best Countries For Your Startup

    Finding the right country for your startup is a very important step in the growth of your business. Even though you have to know many things about the country and its people, it is important that you can find information that will help you to judge which one you should choose.

    Data on startup founders is limited. Data on VCs, angel investors, etc., is even more limited. For startups in other countries, they may be rarer. Therefore, there's no point to write a detailed country startup guide if no such data exists anywhere else.

    Instead of creating this guide, we decided to focus on a list of the best countries in terms of support for startups and venture capital funding (VC), as well as local VCs and accelerators in each country. We chose this list by analyzing data from various sources - everything from statistics compiled by various institutes such as H2 Ventures or Pitchbook, to interviews with entrepreneurs themselves or with representatives from some accelerators like Seedcamp or Ycombinator´s WorkShop program.

    As a startup, it may be hard to find the ideal country to launch your business. But what if you could know the best places that can help you grow a marketplace of products and services? Then you will surely find them here.

    Top 7 Countries That Are Right For Startup Businesses

    1. Japan

    Japan is a great place to start a startup business because of its strong start-up culture and the government’s efforts to support the growth of startups.

    This ecosystem has produced many startups in various industries and regions, with the presence of which these digital assistants can exchange data and provide real-time insights. 

    With the boost in the growth of young people, more and more startups are popping up. The country is so pro-startup that it has become a famous hub for startups. Since a lot of startup topics are covered in this chapter, we will discuss that in detail.

    For me, being an entrepreneur means giving my dream to others and helping them achieve their dreams too. In Japan, it is seen as one of the best countries for starting a startup company as there are many business opportunities available there.

    The Japanese culture is built on self-help, which leads to helping your fellow man in need or raising money to support the ones in need around you. Many Japanese companies have started off with a small idea and just scaled it up over time; they don't need to start from zero and make huge profits overnight.

    Japan – Entrepreneurship Attributes and Scores

    • Connected to the rest of the worlds-92
    • Educated population-99
    • Entrepreneurial-87
    • Innovative-100
    • Skilled labour force-100
    • Technological expertise-100
    • Transparent business practices-80
    • Well-developed infrastructure-100
    • Well-developed legal framework-76

    2. Germany

    With the increasing focus on startups and small businesses, it is important to make sure that we are not doing anything wrong by choosing Germany. Germany has been a leader in most of the technical fields that drive innovation. With this, as well as its high level of education and research, Germany is one of the best places to start a business.

    As well as a great place to start a business, Germany is also known for being one of the most attractive markets for startups. A startup can receive up to 25% in corporate tax (depending on their location) which means that they will be able to raise more money than they would if they did it elsewhere or do it alone. This implies that people will be willing to invest in them and finance their operations.

    Germany – Entrepreneurship Attributes and Scores

    • Connected to the rest of the worlds-94
    • Educated population-97
    • Entrepreneurial-73
    • Innovative-82
    • Skilled labour force-94
    • Technological expertise-84
    • Transparent business practices-84
    • Well-developed infrastructure-99
    • Well-developed legal framework-100

    3. The United States

    The USA is a good choice to start your business. It offers a lot of advantages compared to other countries: an educated workforce, many startup-friendly laws, a low unemployment rate and good government support.

    The United States is a very open country and it encourages starting a business. The USA has been one of the top countries for startups since its launch in 2001. This can be attributed to the high number of entrepreneurial activities that are taking place in the country, which has resulted in an ever-increasing number of job opportunities available for those ready to start their own company.

    The United States was at one time known as "the land of opportunity". However, this promise has been broken recently with the increase of inequality between different social classes and sectors in the country which shows no sign of ending anytime soon. Due to this fact many young people have found themselves lonely and stuck on their own without any source left for them to look forward to. 

    USA – Entrepreneurship Attributes and Scores

    • Connected to the rest of the worlds-100
    • Educated population-70
    • Entrepreneurial-100
    • Innovative-84.9
    • Skilled labour force-95
    • Technological expertise-96.3
    • Transparent business practices-38.3
    • Well-developed infrastructure-97
    • Well-developed legal framework-76

    4. The United Kingdom

    The UK offers a lot of opportunities for businesses, especially in the tech space. There are many tech giants there and they have provided the environment for a lot of startups to be successful. Therefore, it is highly advised that businesses should consider moving their operations to the UK and start their new ventures there.

    The economy of Europe has been expanding at an unprecedented pace since this decade, making it a more appealing proposition than other places in the world. This is by no means unique to Europe as every part of the world seems to be benefiting from this trend.

    It seems that companies want products with cutting-edge technology and some are willing to pay a premium price for such products because they know that they can sell them at much higher prices in the future if the software becomes more affordable.

    UK – Entrepreneurship Attributes and Scores

    • Connected to the rest of the worlds-98
    • Educated population-99
    • Entrepreneurial-61.3
    • Innovative-54
    • Skilled labour force-78
    • Technological expertise-72
    • Transparent business practices-67
    • Well-developed infrastructure-99.3
    • Well-developed legal framework-98.3

    5. Canada

    Canada is a great place to start a business. It has excellent talent, a stable economy and most importantly, the right regulations. All that helps you succeed in your business idea or project. But one thing that could make Canada more attractive for startup businesses is the fact that it has some of the best policies and regulatory oversight in the world - its government takes startups very seriously.

    Canada – Entrepreneurship Attributes and Scores

    • Connected to the rest of the world-91
    • Educated population-98
    • Entrepreneurial-54.3
    • Innovative-46.3
    • Skilled labour force-73.3
    • Technological expertise-33.3
    • Transparent business practices-98.2
    • Well-developed infrastructure-96.1
    • Well-developed legal framework-94.3

    6. Switzerland

    Why Switzerland?

    First, the infrastructure is excellent. The geographical location allows companies to have their headquarters in Switzerland and have access to some of the best resources and technologies.

    The government is very pro-startup and supports startups with a lot of funding so there are a lot of opportunities for tech entrepreneurs. Privacy laws are also good for startups as long as you don't spy on your employees.

    For us, the most important reason we put Switzerland on our list is that you don't have to move around from country to country every time you want to do something new! We can bring our ideas and creativity into different countries where they need it at a cheap price, and we can get access to quality people who are willing to learn new things but at the same time, we can pay bills on time. It's amazing!

    Switzerland – Entrepreneurship Attributes and Scores

    • Connected to the rest of the world-77
    • Educated population-100
    • Entrepreneurial-51
    • Innovative-57
    • Skilled labour force-70
    • Technological expertise-53.2
    • Transparent business practices-72
    • Well-developed infrastructure-93.2
    • Well-developed legal framework-85.3

    7. Singapore

    The startup scene has been booming in Singapore. According to the latest report from Gartner, the number of startups in Singapore will hit 1 million by 2020. This increase is mainly due to the fact that there are more and more people wanting to exit their careers and start a new ones.

    Today's startup business is highly competitive. The local start-up market is one of the fastest growing in the world.

    Inspired by this growth, we should think of ways to increase our chances of success and stability. By creating a strong foundation, we can create a solid base for ventures like launching new products and services. It gives us an edge over potential competitors. We can also deliver better products that are more flexible and last longer before replacement or sale.

    Research shows that Singapore is one of the most suitable locations to start a startup business due to its favourable conditions, such as low cost of living, high-quality education system, skilled workforce plus a large pool of small businesses (about 15 %). However, our country has some major challenges in terms of startups: lack of funding for investors; slow internet speed; high brand recognition but lack of technology; relatively weak patent protection; low internationalisation rates; restricted expansion opportunities due to shared borders with Malaysia and China etc.

    Singapore – Entrepreneurship Attributes and Scores

    • Connected to the rest of the world-74
    • Educated population-64
    • Entrepreneurial-98.2
    • Innovative-81.5
    • Skilled labour force-55.3
    • Technological expertise-68.3
    • Transparent business practices-46.3
    • Well-developed infrastructure-84.5
    • Well-developed legal framework-33.4

    How Much Does Startup Funding Cost in Different Countries?

    Starting a business is one of the most important decisions you can make in your life.

    It's not a question of money - it's a question of where you want to live, what kind of work you want to do and what career path you would like to pursue.

    It's true that every country has different costs, but there are some general truths about this topic that are worth mentioning.

    In Finland, the average cost for startup funding is more than 10 million euros. In Spain, it is around 3 million euros, etc. In China, the average cost for startup funding is more than 100 million yuan.

    However, the costs vary from financial sector to the financial sector – investment banks etc. It may be very expensive for some companies but not for others. At the same time, we should remember that startup funding can help your company grow significantly faster and become more profitable.

    Why Should I Choose Which Country To Start A Business In?

    When choosing your location to start a business, you should consider several factors. There is a short-term impact on your business. But there is also the long-term impact: When you plan to establish a company in a foreign country, do you know exactly what it would take for your company to be successful? Which regulations and laws will apply to your company? Do you have an adequate amount of capital at hand?

    The country's economic policies and legal environment are very important factors when deciding what country should be chosen as the place of establishment of a business.

    The Strategic Advisor Board is designed to help you get over, around or through so you can reach your next goal. That is what we were built for and we are really good. Just reach out and touch us here to setup a call and have a quick conversation with our team today.

    Written and Published By The Strategic Advisor Board Team
    C. 2017-2023 Strategic Advisor Board / M&C All Rights Reserved /

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