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    Communicate In A Clear And Open Manner

    Strategic Advisor Board

    As an entrepreneur, you need to be able to communicate effectively with your clients. You can't do this without understanding how people think, feel, and behave. It is where the science of human behavior comes into play. In this post, we'll take a look at how to understand people and communicate more effectively.

    How To Communicate In A Clear And Open Manner

    Communicating in a clear and open manner helps people to understand what you are saying. Here is how to communicate in a clear and open manner.

    1: Clear, specific and precise communication

    Let's start with the first tip. Your communications should be clear and specific. In case of uncertainty, make sure to specify your message clearly. It will help the receiver to understand your message better.

    For example, if you are talking about a product, describe what exactly you mean by "product". Is it software? Hardware? What is its name? You should explain what you mean by "product".

    Your communications should be clear and precise. Avoid vague language. Be specific.

    For example, do not say "we have a new product" but instead say "we have a new software product".

    Also, don't say "this product has many benefits," but say "this product has many features".

    2: Be open and honest

    When communicating with other people, being open and honest is very important. Always be honest with other people. Even if you are wrong, tell them what you know. It will help to build good relationships and trust.

    When communicating, you need to be honest.

    You should always be truthful. Don't lie to others.

    3: Speak from your heart

    When communicating, speak from your heart. Communicating from your heart will help you to make good decisions, and it will also help to build good relationships.

    4: Listen to others

    Always listen to other people. It will help you to build good relationships. When you are listening to other people, try to understand what they mean and their feelings. Try to get their perspective. It will help to build good relationships.

    5: Ask for feedback

    Always ask for feedback. Feedback is very important. It will help you to improve your skills and make good decisions.

    6: Respond immediately

    Never wait. If you get a message, reply immediately. Make yourself available for your dear clients.

    7: Encourage constructive feedback

    If you receive any kind of feedback, encourage constructive feedback. When you receive any kind of feedback, try to understand and implement it.

    Encourage positive feedback. Don't ignore negative feedback. It will help to improve yourself and your performance.

    8: Be authentic

    Being authentic is very important. Authenticity is a very simple thing. Be who you are, and don't pretend to be someone else.

    9: Have empathy

    Have empathy. Emancipate yourself from your own ego. It will help you to build good relationships.

    How Communication Helps You Grow Your Business?

    Communication has the power to transform your business into a profitable one. If you're looking for how to grow your business, you should know about the importance of effective communication. When you don't communicate effectively with your customers and clients, they will not trust you, your brand, and your product. And if people don't trust you, they will not buy from you.

    So, if you want to grow your business, you should learn how to communicate properly with your customers and clients. Let's take a look at some ways in which clear communication helps you grow your business.

    1: Showing interest in your clients

    Let's face it. Not everyone likes talking to strangers or meeting new people. We feel uncomfortable when we have to talk to a person who is not known to us. It is why we avoid interacting with people who we haven't met yet.

    However, if you show interest in your clients and customers, they will feel comfortable talking to you. They will also feel appreciated and wanted. And as a result, they will share their stories with you, which will help you grow your business. So how do you show interest in your clients and customers?

    Answer their questions and make them feel valued. Send them messages whenever you notice them. Write a personal note to them and ask them about how they are doing. It is also better to send them a friendly message to thank them for being part of your business.

    2: Generating leads

    A good customer service representative will never hesitate to answer his/her customers' questions. Your goal is to provide quality services to your customers so they will refer your business to their friends. If you want to grow your business, you must keep in mind that your customers are your best source of traffic and lead.

    And if you treat your customers well, they will share your information with their friends and families. And when they do that, you'll get a lot of new leads. So, how do you generate leads? You should answer their questions as soon as possible.

    Another thing that you can do is to offer some special promotions or deals. For example, you can give away free items with a limited number of offers. You can also give away free shipping and free trial offers.

    3: Maintaining relationships

    If you want to grow your business, you need to establish strong relationships with your customers. If you want to know how to maintain strong relationships with your customers, you should think about the following things. You should be honest and trustworthy.

    What Is The Variety Of Techniques To Make Your Message More Effective?

    A good communicator tries to make their message clear by using simple and direct language and avoiding long and complex sentences. They ensure that their message is relevant and interesting for the intended audience by taking into consideration their context and being sensitive to the receiver. A communicator uses a variety of techniques to make their message easier to understand.


    A clear message is one that is easy to understand. It is important to be clear and concise when communicating because a person should only have to read a short amount of the text to understand it.

    It is important to make sure that what you say is consistent with what you mean. For example, if you state that you are going to do something, you should actually do it. If you say that you are not going to do something, then you should not actually do it.


    In a concise message, there is little extraneous information. People who communicate concisely use simple language and avoid using jargon. They keep things brief and to the point, avoiding long and complex sentences.


    The appropriate message is the message that the listener wants to receive. Inappropriate messages can hurt a person's reputation or damage a relationship. Therefore, when you're sending a message, you should try to send the right message to the right person at the right time.


    People can tell when they're being lied to. If you lie, you will get caught, and everyone will know. Honesty requires self-awareness and self-discipline.


    Open communication is one that allows both parties to express themselves fully and freely. When communicating, it is important to be open to listening to the other person.

    Open communication is not about being agreeable; it is about being authentic and truthful. You cannot fake open communication.

    3 Ps Of Communication And 5 Levels Of Communication

    Communicating in a clear and open manner is an essential skill to have as a manager. It is the ability to get what you want through persuasion.

    A manager who does not know how to communicate well may become a very powerful leader. In the opposite case, a manager who knows how to communicate but doesn't use it effectively may have trouble getting things done.

    Let's cover communication basics like the 3 Ps of communication and the 5 levels of communication.

    1: The three Ps of communication

    There are three Ps that are important for effective communication,

    • Perception

    • Performance

    • Productivity

    • The first one is about the way we perceive things.

    We see things differently according to our perception. So, it's important to make sure that your perception matches reality.

    The second Ps are the ways in which we perform things.

    Performance means the way we do something. We know what we want and what we don't want.

    The third P is productivity.

    We want to achieve something, to produce results. We know what we want, but we need to know how to perform to get the results we want.

    2: The five levels of communication

    There are five different levels of communication, as described below:

    Level 1: Verbal communication

    • Direct communication is simple communication with people.

    • The language used is often emotional.

    • There is little or no body language.

    Level 2: Non-verbal communication

    • Gestures are used.

    • Facial expressions, eye contact, etc.

    • Body language is used.

    • There is less emphasis on words.

    Level 3: Structured communication

    • There is much more structure to the communication.

    • The use of email, phone, and text messaging are all part of structured communication.

    • Structured communication is usually more formal.

    • Body language is used.

    • There is less emphasis on words.

    Level 4: Interactive communication

    • People are responding to each other's body language and gestures.

    • People respond by using body language and gestures.

    • There is less emphasis on words.

    • People interact with each other.

    • There is less emphasis on structure.

    • Emotional expression is common.

    Level 5: Informal communication

    • This level of communication is non-formal.

    • This is informal communication.

    • It's based on relationship and trust.

    • People share emotions freely.

    • Words are used to express emotions.

    • People use body language and gestures.

    • This level of communication is most appropriate for small teams.

    What Are The Various Forms Of Communication?

    We live in a world where people communicate all day long. We use different forms of communication like face-to-face conversations, phone calls, texting, social media, etc. However, it is not always possible to express yourself clearly and honestly in an open and friendly way. Sometimes, you may find yourself misunderstood. It can be extremely frustrating, especially when it comes to your boss or your co-worker.

    Let us discuss the various forms of communication and how we can improve them so that we can communicate more effectively in a clear and open manner.

    Face-to-face conversations

    You've probably noticed that there are certain situations when a conversation cannot be completed through text messages. For example, you cannot ask someone to join you at the meeting if he is away.

    However, face-to-face conversations can be much more effective and easier than text messages. When you meet someone face-to-face, you can easily read his facial expressions and hear his tone of voice. It will give you an idea about his feelings and what he is thinking.

    Phone calls

    It is impossible to talk to someone over the phone for hours. You have to cut off the call eventually. Phone calls can be really helpful when you are in a hurry and need someone urgently. If you have the option of calling him back, then it is a good idea to do so. You can learn a lot about him just by listening to his tone of voice.

    Social media

    A Facebook message may seem like a great way to connect with someone, but it isn't as reliable as a face-to-face conversation. You might miss something that has been said, or he might say something unintentionally.

    In a face-to-face conversation, you can directly look into his eyes and read his facial expressions. It will make it easier for you to know whether he is telling the truth or not. On the other hand, when you send a Facebook message to someone, you don't know whether he is lying or not.


    You can easily text your friend to find out more about the movie you saw last night. You can even send him a text to say that you have to leave early. However, this is not as effective as a face-to-face conversation. You will most likely get a response only when you have something urgent to tell. Also, if you are going to text your friend, it is best to send him a text instead of a Facebook message. Facebook messages can be deleted from your phone, but text messages cannot.


    Email is one of the most popular ways to communicate. But many people don't know how to write an email effectively. In a way, it is similar to a text message. You will most likely get a reply only when you have something urgent to tell.

    Five Tips For Communicating In A Clear And Open Way

    Communication is a fundamental part of business and social life. It is essential for our personal lives and relationships as well. Without communication, we would not be able to exchange ideas, information and knowledge. And without that, we would not be able to understand each other. It is why it is important to communicate clearly and openly.

    A good communicator is aware of his own strengths and weaknesses. He understands how others perceive him and what he can do better. He is also aware of what he can do to improve communication and how to avoid communication mistakes.

    Here are five tips on how to communicate in a clear and open way:

    Tip #1: Ask for clarification before giving it to someone else.

    It's okay to ask for clarification before telling someone else something you heard them say. It helps you avoid misunderstandings. It also makes the person you're talking to feel valued and respected.

    Tip #2: Don't assume you know the other person's thoughts or intentions.

    You can't read minds, and sometimes people don't want to tell you what they really mean. Asking for clarification can help you avoid getting taken advantage of.

    Tip #3: Show interest in what the other person is saying.

    It shows respect and demonstrates that you're listening. You might say "uh-huh" or "okay" in order to show you're paying attention. It gives the other person the feeling that you are interested in what they're saying.

    Tip #4: Show empathy for the other person.

    Being empathetic means understanding and being sensitive to the feelings of others. It means being concerned with the feelings and perspectives of others.

    Tip #5: Be open to others' ideas.

    Be open to new ideas and ways of thinking. Sometimes what you thought was right is not necessarily the best thing for everyone.

    Tip #6: Provide examples.

    Another way to improve your communication skills is by providing examples. When you share stories about yourself, you show that you are human and you have something valuable to offer. It will inspire people to listen and engage in a dialogue.

    Tip #7: Allow others to interrupt.

    Most people think that they have to finish their sentences first before someone else can interrupt them. But that is not true. The best way to get someone to listen to what you have to say is to allow them to interrupt you.

    For example, you can start by sharing your story and then allow others to interrupt you to add to the conversation. It will help you to remember and incorporate their input into the conversation.


    In conclusion, to be effective, you need to be able to understand and empathize with your customers. You need to be able to ask the right questions and listen to their answers. You also need to be able to explain your products and services to them in a way that they understand. The most important thing that you can do to improve your communication skills is to practice them.

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    Written and Published By The Strategic Advisor Board Team
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