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    Have You Built Your Company Bible?

    Strategic Advisor Board

    It's time to stop making excuses and start taking action. If you want to get results in your business, you need to be willing to make a change. You can't sit around and wait for someone else to do it for you. No one is going to do it for you. That's why you're reading this right now.

    This post is about building a company bible. It's a book that helps you get organized, make strategic decisions, and keep your business running smoothly.

    What Is A Company Bible?

    A company bible is a document written by management or the owners of the company which serves as the foundation of the business operations. This document details the company's philosophy, vision, mission, goals, culture, values, strategy, management structure, policies and procedures, and any other information deemed necessary to the organization's success.

    The company bible can be in the form of a simple handbook but is often presented in the form of a book that is distributed to the company's employees. It serves as a central repository of information that is shared across the company and becomes the starting point for further discussions and debates about the company's direction.

    What To Write In A Company Bible?

    A company bible is a list of the most important things about your company that every employee should know. Most companies have their company bible, but not many people read them. There is no one right way to write a company bible, but here are some ideas.

    1: Have A Single Author

    The main advantage of having a single author is that everyone in the company knows who to go to if they have any questions or concerns. There is one person that has everything at their fingertips. The other benefit is that the entire company becomes more focused on the company itself instead of petty issues like what color shirt to wear.

    2: Keep It Simple

    A company bible should be short and to the point. When you have a lot of information to convey, it's best to break it up into several shorter documents. There should be no more than 10 bullet points in your company bible. If there are more than 10 bullet points, it means that you have too much information to convey.

    3: Keep It Current

    Your company bible should be kept up to date. You should make sure that your company bible contains anything new that has occurred in the last six months. New products, new hires, etc.

    4: Keep It Confidential

    Make sure that your company bible is kept confidential. Only those that work for the company should have access to it. There should be no copies that are left lying around on coffee tables.

    5: Include Your Mission Statement

    Include your mission statement in your company bible. It should include the company's purpose. For example, the purpose of your company is to provide software development services. Your mission statement should include the goals of your company.

    6: Include Your Vision Statement

    Your vision statement is very important. It should include your goals and where your company is going in the future. It is especially important if you are trying to move into a new market.

    7: Include Your Values

    Your company values should be included in your company bible. Values are what makes your company different. Your values should be something that your employees can easily remember. They are easy to explain and should be clearly stated.

    Have You Built Your Company Bible?

    You have probably heard about the power of having a company bible. Whether you are thinking about starting your own business or you are trying to grow your existing one, you must have heard that you need a company bible.

    Every company needs a company bible, and a company manager should be using it at all times. But, how do you create a company bible? You start by writing down everything that is happening in your company. Make sure that the information is accurate. In addition, make sure that it is properly organized and formatted.

    You can write down everything that is happening in your company in a separate document. It is known as a journal. This journal will help you organize and store all of your important information. Then you can convert this journal into a company bible.

    A company bible can be anything that you want. You can use a word processor or even write it down by hand. Make sure that you use a format that works well for you.

    How To Build Your Company Bible

    Before starting to build a company bible, you should be clear about what you want it to include. It should include information like your mission statement, core values, vision, values, goals, objectives, vision statements, mission statements, and so on.

    However, this may seem like a huge task to do because you should be able to think of everything that should go into a company bible. However, if you use the right template, then you will be able to create a perfect document for your company.

    To build a company bible, you first need to know that this document should include the following elements. These elements include the executive summary, the mission statement, the vision statement, values, the strategic goals, and so on. So, you must be aware of them.

    Next, you should know that the company bible should include these types of information.

    • Mission Statement: This is a concise description of the company's mission.
    • Vision Statement: This is a clear explanation of how the company wants to achieve its mission.
    • Core Values: This is an overview of the company's core values.
    • Strategic Goals: These are the company's objectives. They are used to measure the company's success.
    • Value Proposition: This is the company's offering. It explains the company's value proposition.
    • Brand Promise: This is a description of the company's brand.
    • Brand Personality: This is the personality of the company. It includes a description of the company's style, tone, and behavior.
    • Marketing Message: This is the company's marketing message. It includes an explanation of the company's marketing plan.

    What Are The Benefits Of Having A Company Bible?

    It also helps to maintain consistency among the different departments within the company. Some companies also include a reference section in the document. It lists the names and titles of people who are part of the management team and their responsibilities and contact information.

    While it might seem like a tedious task, it is actually a great way to ensure that there is a common understanding and agreement among everyone working at the company.

    It ensures that everyone knows what is expected of them and that they are clear about their roles and responsibilities. It helps the organization to grow stronger because it provides a common reference point for the entire organization and ensures that each employee understands the importance of his or her role in the bigger picture.

    Get Information About Your Business.

    As mentioned above, the Bible will help you to know your business better. It will give you all the information about your company. You will know the products you sell, the services you provide, and your customers.

    It will help you understand your business better and decide if you want to expand or make some changes. It will also help you know your employees better.

    Keep You In The Loop.

    It will help you stay in the loop of your business. You can read the Bible whenever you need to update yourself with your business. It will help you know what you need to do and when to do it.

    Keep You Motivated

    The Bible will motivate you to keep working hard and strive for success. It will give you the motivation to work harder and try new things. The Bible will encourage you to believe in yourself and not give up.

    What Makes A Good Company Bible?

    Several things make a good company bible. First, it must be comprehensive. It must contain all the information that you would expect to find in a company bible. However, it also needs to be concise. It is not enough to have information. If it is not easy to read, then it will not be effective. You need to be able to skim the pages and find the information that you need.

    Second, it should be well organized. It means that you should have an outline of the company bible. You should also have sections for the different aspects of the company. For example, you could have sections for history, culture, mission statement, leadership, and finances.

    Third, it needs to be well written. Some companies write the company Bible themselves. There are others, however, that contract a professional writer. Regardless of who writes the company bible, it is important to have a professional tone.

    Fourth, it needs to be interesting. If you are reading a company bible, you need to be able to look forward to going through the section. It should be interesting and easy to read. The goal is to get people to open it up and read the Bible.

    Fifth, it needs to be a part of the company's culture. If you read a company bible and it is not a part of your company culture, then it will likely go ignored. You should have company bibles that are consistent across the board.

    Lastly, it needs to be used. It is the most important part. You can have the most compelling company bible on the planet. If no one uses it, then it has little impact.

    Free Tools To Build Your Company Bible

    A company bible may be written as a formal document, or it can simply be a piece of paper that captures a company's values and goals. In either case, the purpose of a company bible is to communicate clearly to the people within the company the reasons why they work together, the values they embrace, and the goals they strive to achieve.

    If you're looking for a great tool to keep your company values, goals, and objectives in one place, you've come to the right place. We've put together a list of 10 free tools to help you build your company bible. So, let's get started:

    1. Google Spreadsheet

    It is a tool that is available on Google Drive. It is a free online spreadsheet. It is a very simple way to organize your company values, goals, and objectives. All you need to do is add a new row by clicking on the spreadsheet icon at the top-right corner of the sheet.

    You can also add a column or two by clicking the arrow icon on the left side of the row.

    2. Google Docs

    Google Docs is another free online document software that is similar to Microsoft Word. Create a new document by clicking File > New. You can also click File > Open to open an existing document.

    3. Trello

    Trello is a project management tool. It's a free tool and allows you to create boards, lists, and cards. It also has a board-sharing feature. You can invite other users to join your team and view the progress of each board.

    4. Google Sheets

    Google Sheets is a free tool for creating spreadsheets. You can easily create and edit your sheets.

    5. Dropbox

    Dropbox is a popular cloud storage service that allows you to share files. It's available on almost every device and can synchronize files across all platforms.

    6. Evernote

    Evernote is a powerful note-taking application that allows you to capture text, images, and voice notes. You can use Evernote to collect ideas and notes on anything you're interested in, including information related to your business.

    7. Google Forms

    Google forms allow you to create surveys and questionnaires that can be accessed online or emailed to recipients.

    8. Basecamp

    Basecamp is an online project management application that allows you to create tasks, schedules, and to-do lists. It also allows you to create projects and manage multiple teams.

    9. Freshbooks

    Freshbooks is a time tracking and invoicing application. It can send invoices, accept credit cards, and provide estimates.

    10. Yahoo Pipes

    Yahoo pipes allow you to quickly build workflows using prewritten modules, such as email, news, or social media. There is also a Yahoo Pipes App Gallery for sharing and collaborating with other users.

    Final Thoughts

    In conclusion, your company bible is your road map to success. It helps you stay focused, keep track of all your ideas, and make sure you're always moving forward.

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    Written and Published By The Strategic Advisor Board Team
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