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    Have You Calculated How Much the Tedious Tasks You're Doing Are Costing You?

    Strategic Advisor Board

    Like most people, you probably spend a lot of time doing things you don't enjoy, just because it's a job. It is the most common reason that we fail to achieve our goals. When we don't want something, we tend to avoid it.

    That means we avoid the things we dislike most, which are the things we need to do to grow and build our business. If you're not careful, you could spend a lot of time doing things costing you money. In this post, I will show you how to calculate the cost of your tedious tasks.

    How To Calculate Your Cost Of Doing Tedious Work By Tracking Your Time Spent On These Tasks

    Have you calculated how much the tedious tasks you're costing you? Are you wasting valuable time on repetitive tasks that could be automated?

    The number one killer of productivity is tedious work. Many of us are guilty of getting into bad habits by doing the same thing daily, week after week, and year after year.

    We feel like we need to get out of these habits, but we are afraid we'll lose our little free time. But if you are willing to make an effort to do something different, you could find yourself with much more free time.

    In this post, we will show you how to calculate the cost of doing tedious work.

    How To Calculate The Cost Of Doing Tedious Work

    There are three main ways to measure the cost of doing tedious work:

    1: Time spent

    You can quickly calculate your hourly rate if you track how much time you spend on your tedious tasks.

    2: Value of time

    If you think your tedious task is worth money, you can also calculate the value of your time by multiplying the time by the hourly rate.

    3: Effort

    If you estimate the effort required to do your tedious tasks, you can calculate your hourly rate by dividing the action by your hourly rate.

    In this article, we will focus on the first method, calculating the cost of tedious work by tracking your time spent on these tasks.

    How To Calculate Your Cost Of Doing Tedious Work By Tracking Your Time Spent On These Tasks

    Step 1: Create a spreadsheet

    The easiest way to calculate your cost of doing tedious work is to create a spreadsheet and list all the tasks you'd like to automate.

    You can list the amount of time you spend on each tedious task and divide it by the hourly rate you want to pay.

    It will give you an accurate measurement of how much you're spending on the task.

    Let's say you want to pay $20 per hour for the job.

    Then you should divide your time on the task by 20 to calculate the cost of doing that task.

    Example: If you spend 2 hours on a tedious task, and your hourly rate is $20, then the cost of doing that task would be $40.

    Step 2: Automate your tedious tasks

    If you don't have the time to do the tedious tasks manually, you should always try to automate them. The process of automation usually involves writing a script or using a third-party tool.

    It is time-consuming, so it's best to automate only a few of your tedious tasks.

    Step 3: Analyse the results

    After automating all your tedious tasks, you need to analyze the results. It's important to remember that every action reacts.

    Therefore, if you automate one of your tasks, you'll get some benefits from it. And vice versa, if you didn't automate a task, you probably won't benefit from it. However, this isn't the only factor regarding benefits and drawbacks.

    Five Ways To Calculate The Real Cost Of Your Time Spent On Tedious Tasks.

    You may have heard about time tracking software. Some people like to use it because it helps them measure their time better. They may even want to track time to bill their clients accordingly.

    However, you may be doing all this without knowing that you're spending hours each day on tasks that don't benefit you in the long run. Here's how to calculate the real cost of your time spent on tedious tasks.

    1. Get out a pen and paper

    Start by making a list of the time you spend on all your daily activities. For example, you might write down what you did yesterday, how much time it took, and your hourly rate.

    Don't forget to include your daily commute time, if applicable.

    Then, consider whether these tasks bring value to you and whether there's a way to delegate the job to someone else.

    2. Add it up

    After you've finished your list, total up how much time you spend on each activity. Don't include the time you spent sleeping. It's not productive.

    You might also add the value of the time you spend doing things that bring little return but are still necessary, such as eating, commuting, taking showers, etc.

    3. Take the number you got and multiply it by your hourly rate

    Now that you know exactly how much time you spend doing tasks that don't get you anywhere, you can calculate the real cost of those activities.

    For example, you spent 40 hours weekly on administrative tasks, with an hourly wage of $15 an hour.

    That means you could earn $600 a week on tasks that don't add value to your business.

    4. Make adjustments

    The next step is to make adjustments. Please adjust the number so that it's in line with what you're earning.

    5. Keep track of it

    Use the information you've gathered to help you make smart decisions about your time. For example, if you're spending a lot of time on marketing tasks that bring little return, you may want to consider hiring a virtual assistant to handle some of your marketing for you.

    Common Tedious Tasks You Should Try To Eliminate

    Every business owner wants to know how much money they spend on different tasks. When it comes to running a small business, there are so many things that are a drain on your time and money. There are so many tasks that every business owner has to perform to run their business.

    It's hard to keep track of all these tasks and expenses, and it is impossible to track every penny you spend on each task. If you don't get rid of the tedious tasks, you will lose money in the long run. The thing is, you can spend a lot of time doing something that you're not interested in. You can lose a lot of money if you don't automate certain tasks.

    The only way to know how much money you're losing out on by spending time on boring tasks is to track and measure every expense and every job you do. Here are some of the most common tedious tasks you should try to eliminate.

    1. Posting to Facebook

    There is a reason why Facebook is one of the biggest social media platforms in the world. It is because people love to share what's going on in their life with their friends and family members. For business owners, Facebook is a great place to post pictures of your company and products, and it's a great place to share information about new promotions and special deals.

    But the problem is that spending too much time posting on Facebook is easy. Many people tend to neglect other important tasks and spend way more time than necessary posting on Facebook.

    So if you haven't already, try automating the posting process on Facebook. There are tons of free apps and plugins that you can use to do this.

    2. Tracking Emails

    Email marketing is a great way to spread the word about your company, but it can be a waste of time if you have a million emails in your inbox. You need to ensure that you're only checking the emails worth reading and responding to.

    There are plenty of email management tools that you can use to manage all of your emails. Many will even offer you the option to set up filters so that you only get the messages you want.

    3. Filling Out Forms

    There are plenty of forms that every business owner needs to fill out. Whether a customer questionnaire or a lead form, it's common to fill out hundreds of documents daily.

    If you're filling out the same forms over and over, you'll eventually become bored with the process and start skipping some of the questions. It is one of the reasons why businesses go through the trouble of creating forms in the first place. They are designed to collect data that they can use in the future.

    How To Increase Your Productivity

    Do you ever do tedious tasks that you shouldn't be doing? Have you ever felt like you're wasting your time? If you do, I'm sure you have some ideas about ways to increase productivity.

    When busy doing mundane and unnecessary tasks, we get carried away, but it doesn't necessarily mean we're working productively. The most common reason why people don't feel productive is they feel like they're wasting their time.

    The truth is you probably don't need to spend that much time on those things.

    Here's what you can do to increase productivity.

    1: Delegate

    Delegation is one of the most effective ways to increase productivity. Delegation allows you to outsource the tedious tasks you have to do to someone else. For example, if you're writing your articles, you can outsource them to a freelancer. You can use websites such as Fiverr or Upwork to find a good freelancer.

    For the tasks that require specialized skills, you can look for freelancers who have skills that you don't. For example, you can hire a freelance designer to create your company logo.

    Make sure to choose a person who will meet your expectations. It can be challenging since you don't know how to evaluate people's work and skills.

    To increase your productivity, you must know how to find the right freelancer. You can learn that by reading reviews and testimonials. Also, you can ask around for recommendations.

    Another thing you can do is to look for a person who's in your field of expertise. If you're a software developer, you can find a good freelancer with the same kind of experience.

    2: Focus on the task at hand

    You might feel like you're wasting your time doing those tasks because you're not fully focused on the task at hand. For example, when searching for a job, you might feel overwhelmed with all the applications.

    However, you should focus on the task at hand instead of getting distracted. You can try and make the application process easier for you by setting a time frame for the application. For example, you can only apply for jobs posted on the first week of every month.

    It will help you to focus better, so you'll get the right job. If you think applying for too many jobs is a waste of your time, try to find the jobs you really want. You might not get all of them, but at least you'll get one.

    3: Remove distractions

    There are some websites that you need to visit while you're working. You can block these websites using your browser's options. You can also disable pop-up windows and other distracting programs.

    It will give you a chance to focus on the task at hand. However, there are times when you need to access these sites so that you can use a different browser.

    4: Try and create an effective workspace

    Before you even start work, it's important to make sure that you have a good workspace. Create a nice and clean desk and keep it tidy. You should have enough space to work comfortably. Keep the clutter out of your workspace. You don't want to distract yourself from doing your job properly. It's important to keep the right tools and equipment close to you.

    5: Set a work schedule

    It would help if you created a regular work schedule. This way, you won't be distracted and always have a clear mind.

    If you set up a schedule, you won't be distracted by everything else.

    6: Learn how to manage your time

    You should learn to block out certain activities to manage your time efficiently. It's important to schedule time for each project. You should allocate time to work on each project. Make sure that you never put off one task until the last minute. Always leave time for any last-minute charges. If you do this, you won't feel rushed and will have a clearer mind.

    7: Be organized

    Be organized and keep everything neat. Take the time to put all of your tools in order. It's not important to keep everything arranged in order.

    Back To You

    In conclusion, the most important thing you need to do to improve your productivity and boost your sales is to work smarter, not harder. You need to automate tedious tasks to spend more time on what matters most creating a great product and delivering it to your customers. There are many ways to do that. In this post, we'll discuss how to use software to automate tedious tasks.

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    Written and Published By The Strategic Advisor Board Team
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