Strategic Advisor Board
When you look at Key Man Insurance, you'll see it's a simple term that is easy to understand. It's a policy that will cover you if you get injured or sick while you're working. It's like your own personal health insurance.
But here's the catch - it's not something you can buy later. It's something you have to buy right now. And that's the whole point. Because if you have Key Man Insurance, you won't have to worry about how to pay for healthcare costs if you get sick or injured. You can focus on growing your business and making more money instead.
Key man insurance is a special kind of life insurance policy that is specially designed for key employees. In the case of the loss of a key person, the company provides financial assistance to the family members of the deceased key employee.
It covers all the major risks associated with the death of a key employee, including the income loss to the family due to the death of the key employee. Key man insurance policies cover the key person (employee) in addition to the main beneficiary of the policy. It enables the policyholder to protect his family by providing for their future and even paying off the outstanding liabilities that may arise due to the death of the key person.
In the case of key man insurance policies, there is no cash value of the policy, which means the family of the deceased person has to wait till the death of the policyholder to claim the money.
The insurance premiums are usually much higher than a life insurance policy. The premium amount depends on the age of the policyholder and the risk involved. The cost of a key man insurance policy varies from company to company. The premiums may also vary according to the benefits offered.
Key man insurance is not available for all companies, but it can be purchased separately as an additional protection policy. If the company does not offer key man insurance policies, then it is advisable to purchase one from a specialist insurance company.
Business owners should understand that a key man insurance policy is very important for the future of their business.
As soon as your business grows and becomes successful, it is going to attract more customers, and this means that there is a chance that you might get sued by your customers.
Your customers might sue you because of various reasons, like if they feel that you have not delivered what they ordered or if they feel that you are charging too much for what they ordered.
In such cases, you will face a lot of problems and losses.
However, if you have key man insurance in place, then you don't need to worry about anything.
With key man insurance in place, you can settle the claims against you, and if you don't, then you can lose everything that you own in the business. The key man insurance provides you with peace of mind.
Key man insurance policy works like a life insurance policy. The reason behind providing this coverage is to protect the business owners from losing their entire business.
As soon as you die, your business will end, and you will lose everything that you own in the business.
As soon as your business ends, you will be left with no income and no means of paying your debts.
It means that your creditors will get to collect all the money that they were expecting to get. However, with key man insurance, you will be able to pay off all the claims that you have taken care of.
It is important to mention that the insurance company provides the key man insurance policy to ensure the survival of the business.
For example, if you are a business owner and you are planning to launch a new product, and you know that you cannot afford to launch the new product because of the high investment that it requires, then you need to understand that you will have to close down your business and if you do this, then you will lose everything.
So, if you plan to launch a new product, then make sure that you have key man insurance.
Once your business is launched, the insurance company will take care of all the claims that you have taken care of.
You don't need to worry about anything.
The owner of a key person's life insurance policy (commonly known as a spouse life insurance policy) is the individual who is named as the primary beneficiary of the policy. This person has an absolute right to the benefits in the event of the insured person's death.
If the spouse is not named as the primary beneficiary, then the second beneficiary will be the insured's children, followed by the insured's siblings, parents, and so on.
The insured person can also choose to make the proceeds of the policy payable to his estate or charities, or a combination of the two.
There are three types of policies – term, whole, and endowment. A term policy provides coverage for a specific period, usually between three and 30 years.
Whole life insurance is usually purchased after the age of 50 and is meant to protect against old age and other contingencies, such as illness.
Endowment insurance is similar to a whole life policy, except that it provides a guaranteed cash benefit rather than a fixed amount of coverage. It is designed to protect against inflation and other market risks.
The policy owner is the person who is named as the primary beneficiary of the policy. He or she can name the insured person as the beneficiary.
To become the primary beneficiary of the policy, the policy owner needs to be the insured person's spouse.
The spouse has a vested interest in the policy. Any payments made by the insurer on the policy are therefore considered an asset belonging to the spouse.
If the policyholder remarries after he or she buys the policy, then the new spouse becomes the policy owner. If the new spouse is not named as the primary beneficiary, then the original beneficiary takes the position.
If there is no named beneficiary at the time of the insured person's death, the policy proceeds are paid to the designated beneficiaries or the estate.
The insured person can also choose to make the proceeds of the policy payable to his estate or charities, or a combination of the two.
Let us discuss some of the benefits of Key man insurance.
1: Protect Your Business Assets And Ensure Business Continuity
When a business goes under, it is quite natural that the owner loses everything. However, if the owner has an insurance policy, then he/she will be able to cover losses. The insured person can be the company's owner or director with Key man insurance. If someone is the key person of the business, he/she is responsible for the success of the business.
The loss of a key person can cause irreparable damage to the company's operations. If this happens, the company might not be able to continue its operations for a while. It can be a huge problem, especially for small businesses that may not have much money to recover from the losses. Hence, it is always advisable to insure the business owner.
2: Reduce The Risk Of Liability
It is another important benefit of Key man insurance. As mentioned earlier, the business owner is the main responsible for the success or failure of the business. In case of any negligence or mistake, he/she could be held liable for the losses. If the business owner doesn't have an insurance policy, he/she will be the only person responsible for any damages. Therefore, he/she might have to pay out of his/her pocket.
In case of an accident caused by an employee of the business, he/she would be covered by the insurance policy. In such cases, the business owner would not have to pay any compensation.
3: Help You In Meeting Obligations To Employees
An insurance policy allows the insured to fulfil the contractual obligations towards his/her employees. Let us say, if you have hired a business consultant, he/she would be paid regularly. The regular payment of this service would help the owner to meet his obligations to the employee.
4: Provide Legal Protection
Business owners should always keep the legal aspects of their business in mind. One way of doing so is to buy a business insurance policy. Such a policy will protect the business from all kinds of legal claims and lawsuits. It will also ensure that the business owner is protected from personal liability.
5: Reduce Risks
Insurance policies provide financial protection against risks. For example, in the case of natural calamities like fire, flood, earthquake, etc., the policyholder can claim the policy amount from the insurer. Therefore, a business owner can save his/her money and capital by buying a proper business insurance policy.
There are a lot of ways that you can become the owner of a key man insurance policy. However, when you are considering purchasing a key man insurance policy, you should consider many factors.
One of the most important considerations is the size of the business. It is because if your business has a smaller workforce, you may not need a key man insurance policy. For instance, if you are a small business owner who has just one person working for you, likely, you do not require a key man insurance policy.
The second important consideration is your company's financial situation. If you have a small business and you have a good financial standing, you may not need a key man insurance policy. For instance, if you have a large business and you do not have any debts, you may not require a key man insurance policy.
The third important consideration is the type of key man insurance policy you are purchasing. It is important to purchase a key man insurance policy that is going to meet your needs. For instance, if you are planning on using your key man insurance policy to ensure that you can cover your assets in case your business collapses, then you may need to purchase a business insurance policy.
The fourth important consideration is your experience. You need to consider what experience you have in the industry. It is because it is important to have an idea of what you can expect in case your business fails. For instance, if you have experience managing a successful business, then you may be able to handle the problems that may arise in case your business fails.
The fifth important consideration is the size of the business. If you have a large business, it may be difficult to replace a key man. Therefore, it is important to consider your company's size.
Another important consideration is your circumstances. When you are purchasing a key man insurance policy, you must consider your circumstances. For instance, if you are married, or you have children, you may not need a key man insurance policy. However, if you are single and do not have any children, you may need a key man insurance policy.
A lot of people think that Key Man insurance is a business expense, and hence it should not be claimed as a business expense. But is it a business expense? Let us discuss this issue.
Key Man insurance is a type of insurance that protects the individual against loss due to damage caused by fire or explosion. A typical policy covers building, contents, jewelry, and personal belongings. However, it doesn't cover the risk of loss of the company's assets.
In other words, if a fire breaks out in your office building and damages all the computers, furniture, etc. Still, the damage to the office equipment is less than the total cost of replacement; the insurance would cover the loss only to the extent of the damage to the office equipment. Hence, it is a business expense.
However, it is not a business expense if the building is destroyed. So, so if your business is housed in a rented space, you should ask the landlord whether he has taken Key Man insurance.
In case your landlord does not have Key Man insurance, you could buy it yourself.
If you are a business owner and you have employees, you need to consider getting insurance for your key people. It will protect your business in case any of your employees dies.
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Written and Published By The Strategic Advisor Board Team
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