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    Make Sure You Have Face-To-Face Time With Your Staff To Keep Invigorated In Your Work

    Strategic Advisor Board

    If you're not getting enough face-to-face time with your employees, it's time to change that. Not only will it help to keep your staff motivated, but it also helps to ensure that they're doing what they're supposed to be doing. It's so easy for your employees to get distracted by technology and other distractions.

    How To Make Sure You Have Face-To-Face Time With Your Staff To Keep Invigorated In Your Work

    We work long hours every day, but face-to-face time with our staff is key to keeping motivated and excited about the business.

    Many business owners often don't realize that the most important resource they have is their staff. Their staff is the ones who work on your business daily and are the ones that are responsible for making it successful. Many business owners have staff that feel they are undervalued and underappreciated, which ultimately leads to them not doing their job properly.

    Many people think they need to be able to show up at the office every day and work on a project without having any breaks or taking any breaks. But if you have the right environment where your staff can take breaks and relax and get out of the office when they want to, then it is much easier for them to stay productive and perform their jobs well.

    You must know what motivates your staff. Do they like being at the office? Do they like being with their friends and coworkers? Do they enjoy being at the office because they are excited about the projects they are working on?

    If you want to ensure that your staff are happy and motivated at work, you need to be there yourself. When your staff sees you at the office, they should feel valued and respected by you. It shows how much you care about them, which makes them feel appreciated. They will appreciate the fact that you are available to talk to them about their performance and what they would like to improve on.

    If your staff members are unhappy and underappreciated, they will not put in the effort necessary to do the job well. It means that they may not do their jobs well, or worse, they may not do their jobs at all.

    So now what about building a positive atmosphere in the office? You start by showing your appreciation for them. Send them text messages, emails, or phone calls to let them know how proud you are of them for what they are doing for your company. You need to make sure you treat them well so they will want to continue to work hard for you.

    The best way to ensure that your staff will be motivated and happy in the workplace is to make sure they know they are valuable. If they feel appreciated, they will want to do even better.

    Why Having Face-To-Face Time With Your Staff Important?

    When you think of employees, do you feel you can better understand their moods? Or do they look different to you now than before? As a manager, you should always have face-to-face time with your team to keep your staff invigorated in their work. Here are a few reasons why having face-to-face time with your staff is important:

    1: You Get To Know Your Employees Better

    One of the best things about having face-to-face time with your team is you can easily communicate with them. While online communication has advantages, you don't get to see facial expressions, body language, and nonverbal communication. When you're face-to-face with someone, you can get to know them better.

    2: You Can Motivate Your Staff More Effectively

    When you meet your staff face-to-face, you can better understand your employees' state of mind and their attitude toward their work. Having face-to-face time with your team means you can motivate them to work harder and achieve more goals. It will improve your overall performance as a manager.

    3: You Can Encourage Your Staff

    One way to encourage your team is by showing your appreciation and praise. It might be easy for you to give your staff compliments online or even send them emails, but you don't know if they actually read these messages. You can show them your appreciation through words and actions by having face-to-face time with your team.

    4: You Can Keep Track Of Your Staff's Performance

    It's very hard to keep track of your staff's performance when they're working remotely. One thing you can do is to ask them how they're doing regularly. You can use surveys or other tools such as internal management software to gather this information. However, having face-to-face time with your staff is much more effective than online.

    5: You Can Easily Identify Team Members Who Need To Step Up Their Game

    We all know that some people are always the weakest link in the team. When you're face-to-face with them, you can easily identify those team members who need to work harder. It's not just the individuals. The entire team could also need some extra motivation.

    6: You Can Avoid Distractions

    Working from home is great, but it also comes with some challenges. One of the most common is being distracted. You might have your family or pets as distractions when you're at home. It is not the case when you're at work. Face-to-face time helps you to avoid distractions.

    How To Ensure You Have Face-To-Face Time With Your Employees

    Firstly, make sure that you talk to your staff regularly. You can ask them about their performance, their future plans, what is expected of them, etc. You can also discuss any problems or issues they are facing.

    Secondly, make sure that you communicate effectively with your employees. It is not possible to talk to your employees face-to-face if they cannot understand you. Therefore, make sure you talk to them clearly. If you want to improve their performance, you should tell them why they need to perform better. If they need a raise, let them know that.

    Finally, make sure that you have a meeting room in your office. It is a great idea to give them space to relax and chat. It will help them feel that they are appreciated.

    What Are The Ways To Spend Some Quality Time With Your Employees?

    Well, there are plenty of ways to spend quality time with your employees and use them to improve your company's culture. Here are some ideas.

    Get To Know Them Outside Of Work.

    You need to create a good rapport with your employees. You first need to get to know them better and learn about their hobbies, interests, likes, and dislikes. It will help you learn about them and let you know what makes them tick. Once you know more about them, you will be able to spend quality time with them at your office.

    Incorporate A Daily Lunch

    A lot of companies have introduced daily lunchtime meetings. These meetings are scheduled during lunch hours. Your employees will be able to discuss anything related to the business and their problems. If your company has a cafeteria or a canteen, you can plan a meeting to take place in the cafeteria and make sure that everyone is available for the meeting.

    It is a great way to motivate your employees because they will know that their opinions matter. In addition, it is also a good idea to choose whether they want to attend the meeting or not. It will make them feel that they are an important part of the team.

    Use Video Conferencing To Make Communication Easier

    Communication is the key to success. However, if your employees are spread across different cities, they may not always be able to meet up and discuss the company's problems. It can result in a lack of collaboration and teamwork.

    To solve this problem, you can use video conferencing to allow your employees to communicate face to face. It will help them come up with solutions to the company's problems and encourage them to work together.

    If you want to improve your company's culture and success rate, you must make sure you communicate with each other often.

    How To Make Sure That Employers Are Happy And Motivated

    Some ways in which an employer can support the work-life balance of their employees.

    1. Ensure An Employee Has An Understanding Of Their Responsibilities

    One of the first things an employer should do is to provide their employees with an understanding of their responsibilities. It means that they need to explain the job role and the tasks involved and provide training where necessary.

    It is important so that the employee knows exactly what they are expected to do. It can also help them make good progress and avoid unnecessary problems down the line.

    2. Provide Sufficient Training

    Training helps employees to learn the skills required by the role. However, it can sometimes be difficult to give employees enough training time to really understand what they need to do.

    Providing sufficient training is important so that they know the role's requirements and understand what is expected of them.

    It's also important to provide ongoing training to keep up to date with new organizational developments.

    3. Give Regular Feedback

    Giving regular feedback to employees can be one of the most important ways of supporting their work-life balance.

    Feedback can help an employee identify where they are going wrong and ensure they are making good progress.

    Discussing any areas of concern, they may have can also help them identify where they need to improve.

    4. Help Them To Plan Ahead

    Employees who feel supported and well-informed can make better decisions regarding their work and personal lives.

    They can also use this knowledge to make good work-life balance decisions in the future.

    Supported employees can make plans to ensure that they have enough time for their families and leisure activities.

    5. Be Flexible

    Employers should ensure that they are flexible enough to allow their employees to change their working hours and terms of employment if necessary.

    Being flexible can mean that employees don't need to work a fixed number of hours each week or that they can switch to different shifts or different days of the week.

    6. Ensure Employees Are Valued

    Employers should ensure that their employees feel valued. It can be done by offering progression opportunities and by making sure that they have a good relationship with their manager.

    It is also important that they don't feel as though they are being micromanaged.

    Face-To-Face Time With Your Staff Improves The Company Culture.

    If you're having problems getting everyone to work together, you may be doing it wrong. If you want to create a strong team, you need to get face-to-face time with everyone.

    When you have a team who works for you, it makes everything easier. You can accomplish so much more than when you're working with people who don't respect one another.

    You can't build a strong team if you don't have a good relationship with everyone on the team. You have to sit down with your employees and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. You need to understand what they want from you and let them know what you expect from them.

    It is how you can create a positive work environment. When you do this, everyone will feel comfortable and more willing to help.

    Your team needs to feel like they're a part of your family. They need to know that you care about them. They need to feel that you are there for them and that you are going to support them.

    Once you have a good relationship with your team, you can start to build a stronger team. You can make sure that your team is always working together and that they are always working towards the same goals.

    When you have a strong team, you can accomplish so much more than when you're working with a team that doesn't respect one another.

    Rounding Up

    If you don't have face-to-face time with your employees, it's going to be very difficult to get the best out of them. You need to ensure that you are communicating with your team regularly. It will help you to keep your team motivated and focused on what they need to do to reach their goals.

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    Written and Published By The Strategic Advisor Board Team
    C. 2017-2023 Strategic Advisor Board / M&C All Rights Reserved /

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