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    Tips For Making The Shift From Achiever To High-Performer

    Strategic Advisor Board

    It's no secret that the world of work has changed. In the past, you had to be the best at what you did to succeed. You had to be the top performer in your department, company, or organization. Now, you don't have to be the best. You can be the average and still be successful. You have to be a high-performer. The question is, how do you become a high-performer? In this post, we'll look at how to shift from achiever to high-performer.

    How To Make The Shift From Achiever To High Performer

    The shift from being an achiever to becoming a high-performer is not an easy task to do. It requires effort and perseverance. It's not easy because there are naturally gifted people. This article will tell you about the traits and skills you need to develop to shift into a high-performer.

    1: Focus On The End Goal

    We can indeed get a lot of things done. But at the same time, we can't always succeed. Why is this so? Because we can only focus on one thing at a time. We can get many things done if we try our best to focus on just one thing. But it's hard to do because we always have many things to do. And at times, it becomes a struggle to maintain our focus.

    As a result, we lose motivation. So, if you want to become a high-performer, it's essential to focus on one thing. It means you should have a clear idea of what you want. When you have a clear goal in mind, it makes the shift easier. It's like having a bucket full of water. If you want to make a significant change, you first need to have a bucket full of water. Otherwise, you will never be able to make any changes.

    So, before you even start, you need to know precisely what you want. It will give you the necessary motivation to work towards it.

    2: Know Yourself

    If you want to make a shift, you need to know yourself. Do you have the potential to become a high-performer? What are the skills you need to develop? If you don't know yourself, then it's difficult for you to see what you want.

    3: Ask Yourself What Are The Best Traits In Others

    The best way to figure out what you need to improve is to look at the characteristics of those who have achieved something you want. You need to know what makes them successful. It will help you understand how they became successful.

    4: Have The Right Attitude

    Finally, it would help if you had the right attitude. You need to be positive and open-minded. You need to be ready to learn. You need to know that there is always room for improvement. If you have the right mindset, you can perform better.

    5: Keep Learning

    Remember to keep learning. The world is constantly changing. It is your responsibility to adapt to the changes to perform well. It will help you stay at the top.

    6: Don't Wait For The Perfect Time To Act

    Most people wait for the perfect time to take action. They wait for someone to notice their work and give them a pat on the back. They wait until their boss tells them their work has been appreciated and it's time to celebrate. It isn't the way to be a high achiever.

    You have to start taking control of your life. You have to start acting now and take charge of your life. The perfect time will come later.

    7: Always Be Optimistic

    Optimism is a good quality. It helps you stay motivated and happy. Optimistic people don't expect the worst to happen to them. They know that they have the power to turn things around. They'll stay positive even if things don't seem to go well. They believe that everything happens for a reason.

    What Makes A High Performer A High Performer?

    They develop their ability to think logically.

    Thinking logically is the next skill you need to develop. It is often said that we are more logical than emotional. Emotions often cloud our thinking and prevent us from thinking clearly. Think logically, and you can do better in life and at work.

    They use a positive mental attitude.

    It is easy to think negatively about your situation. You may feel that you are constantly failing and that nothing is going right for you. However, you must be positive and look on the bright side of things. Think positive, and you will become a high performer.

    They learn to manage their time effectively.

    When you manage your time effectively, you can be much more productive and be able to do more. You can accomplish far more if you work your time effectively.

    They learn to work with people effectively.

    The final critical skill is being able to work with people. If you don't have a good relationship with people, then you will never be able to succeed at work. Learn how to work with people effectively, and you can shine at work.

    How Do You Work With A High Achiever?

    Here are some ways you can work with a high achiever:

    1: Understand Their Strengths And Weaknesses

    You first need to know that they are probably one of the most competent people you will ever meet. So, to get the best out of them, you must learn how to work with them.

    To work with a high achiever, you need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the person. High achievers are often brilliant, so they can effortlessly analyze complex problems and solve them quickly. However, they may lack communication skills, so they may have difficulty explaining things to others. It is why you need to learn how to communicate with them.

    2: Create A Supportive Environment

    One of the essential elements in any workplace is communication. Communication is a two-way street. If you want a good relationship with someone, you need to be willing to listen. And that goes double for a high achiever.

    They may be able to explain solutions to you quickly, but if you don't listen, they will eventually get frustrated and frustrated people tend to act out. So, make sure to keep the communication flowing so that the high achiever not only understands you but is also willing to listen.

    3: Work With Them When They Are Motivated

    Motivation is hard to define, but it's easy to recognize. The best way to motivate high achievers is to give them something they want.

    For example, if you're a project manager, you must find a way to motivate your high achiever. One of the best ways to encourage them is to reward them. A simple thank you card or a gift will work wonders.

    4: Be Aware Of Their Weaknesses

    High achievers are highly competent people. They can be challenging to manage because they have high expectations but a low tolerance for failure.

    What Do High Achievers Do Differently?

    High performers don't think about themselves as high performers. They focus on what they can accomplish and what they are willing to do to achieve it. They ensure that they work hard every day and are constantly developing.

    • High achievers work hard to get better at what they do. They are never satisfied with how they do things because they always want to improve.
    • High achievers don't wait to get started. They start working and get results. They are not afraid to fail and confident enough to try something new and different.
    • High achievers know their limits. They don't think they can do it all and don't try to. They take on only what they can handle and what's important to them. They don't burn out because they don't have to.
    • They are never afraid to take risks. They don't fear failure because they know it won't stop them from trying again.
    • High achievers don't give up. When things get tough, they don't quit; they keep going.
    • High achievers are comfortable with who they are and what they have achieved. They realize that they have accomplished a lot, which is a credit to them. They have confidence in who they are and what they can achieve.
    • High achievers enjoy their lives and are grateful for everything they have achieved. They know that life is too short to worry about yesterday, and they enjoy living each day to the fullest.
    • They know that they will never be perfect, but they accept themselves for who they are and what they have done. They are humble and proud of what they have accomplished.
    • High achievers know their worth. They know they have something valuable to offer. They know that they deserve respect and admiration and that they are deserving of success.
    • They work hard every day because they know they need to. They don't just work hard; they work shrewdly. They always plan so that they can get the most out of what they do.

    What Motivates An Achiever To Become A High-Performer?

    Some people get high performance, and some people don't. In the same way, some people don't achieve anything in life, and some people do. The secret is motivation. If you don't have any, you're never going to achieve anything. Motivation is a significant factor for anyone to make a difference in their life. But what makes someone become a high performer?

    Motivation is a powerful emotion that motivates us to accomplish something, to achieve something. People who become high performers inspire others to perform. And these people are different from ordinary people. Ordinary people might not be motivated at all, whereas high performers can encourage everyone around them.

    A high performer takes responsibility and accepts the challenge. High performers get their work done quickly and efficiently. They are good listeners. They make decisions swiftly and take action immediately. They are always aware of what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. And they take on challenges.

    Simply put, a high performer is a person who can inspire others and motivate them. When a high performer becomes part of your team, you are lucky to have an employee who can get results. They can move forward and are positive. They have a sense of urgency and are goal-oriented. They don't procrastinate. They are not afraid to learn new things. High performers believe in themselves and their abilities.

    Here are some characteristics of a high performer.

    A high performer can do more than anyone else.

    A high performer can achieve more in a shorter time than any other. They can do more than others because of their attitude, work ethic, and dedication. If you see someone capable of achieving more than others, that person is a high performer.

    A high performer gets better over time.

    High performers don't just get better at one thing; they get better at everything. They continuously improve themselves and become better at what they do.

    They take on challenges.

    A high performer takes on challenges that others shy away from. High performers are not afraid of trying new things and taking risks.

    They're responsible

    A high performer is responsible. They take on responsibilities and know how to complete them. They are aware of what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. They know what needs to be accomplished and what needs to be delegated.

    A high performer sets goals and reaches them.

    A high performer sets clear and measurable goals and then goes about reaching them. They can set goals and accomplish them. They also can recognize obstacles and overcome them.

    They're efficient

    A high performer is efficient. They are always doing more with less and being productive. They finish their work quickly and efficiently.

    Final Thoughts

    In conclusion, if you want to improve your performance, you need to change your mindset. To make the shift, you must understand the difference between an achiever and a high-performer. The achiever wants to be good at what they do, while the high-performer wants to be great at it. They know that being great is better than being good, so they strive to be great.

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    Written and Published By The Strategic Advisor Board Team
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