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    Turn Your Podcast Into A Book

    Strategic Advisor Board

    A podcast is one of the most effective ways to build your brand and market yourself as an expert in your field. It's also a great way to make your email list, which is crucial for any entrepreneur who wants to grow their business. But while a podcast can be incredibly valuable, it can be hard to monetize—and that's where this post comes in. In it, we'll walk you through the process of turning your podcast into a book.

    How To Create A Book From Your Podcast

    1: Identify A Topic

    Before starting the project of writing a book, you need to identify a topic that will be the core of your book.

    You can pick a topic for which you are an expert and discuss it with people you trust. Make sure that the topic is unique and popular.

    2: Write The Outline

    Write down your ideas in a simple outline format. The outline should include your topic, subtopics, objective, thesis, main points, and conclusion.

    3: Choose The Format

    You need to decide on the format. Some people prefer an eBook, while others go for a hard copy. You can also opt for a hybrid model that includes both forms.

    4: Find A Publisher

    Once you have decided on the format, you need to find a publisher for your book. Publishers are the companies that make money from publishing books.

    Some publishers offer you a fixed price for the project, while others ask for royalty. You need to decide which option will be better for you.

    5: Market Your Book

    Once you have published your book, you need to market it. You can market it through different channels, like social media, press releases, advertising, etc.

    6: Promote Your Book

    Once you have marketed your book, you can promote it. Promoting a book is essential because it helps build the book's visibility.

    Tips To Turn Your Podcast Into A Book

    Podcasts are getting popular by the day. If you want to be ahead of your competitors, you must have your podcast ready. A good podcast can turn into a book or an eBook that helps people earn money. Here are some tips on turning your podcast into a book or eBook.

    1: Pick The Right Topics

    If you're going to turn your podcast into a book or eBook, then you need to choose the right topic. Before picking any case, you need to figure out what kind of audience you're going to target. For example, if you're targeting an audiobook audience, you need to focus on topics that will interest them.

    However, if you're trying to turn your podcast into an eBook, you need to pick a topic suitable for eBooks. You can pick any case, but you must ensure it has enough value for your audience.

    2: Choose The Right Medium

    You need to choose a suitable medium to publish your podcast. You can publish it in audio form, video form, or a combination of both. You can also combine the podcast with a book. There are so many ways to create a podcast. All you need to do is to choose the most suitable method for your podcast.

    3: Write A Compelling Blurb

    The first thing you need to do is to write a compelling blurb. You can write about what you've done with the podcast in the past, what's happening now, what's coming next, or something similar. It's up to you.

    You can use the same format you would use when writing a book. For example, you can start with the title, summary, and conclusion. You can include a sample chapter from your previous work or an episode from your podcast.

    4: Create A Cover

    You can't publish a podcast without a cover. Creating a cover will help your podcast stand out from the crowd. You need to create a surface that matches your podcast.

    5: Publish Your Podcast

    Publishing your podcast is the most crucial step. It would help if you kept uploading new episodes every week. Your podcast needs to become a part of the daily routine.

    Once your podcast is published, you can link it to your website. You can also send a newsletter, blog post, email, or anything else that will help people access the podcast.

    6: Get Feedback

    If you have created a good podcast, you need to listen to your audience and fix it accordingly. You need to pay attention to the things your audience likes and dislikes.

    Tools You Can Use To Turn Your Podcast Into A Book.

    You can use many tools to create a book out of your podcast. Let's take a look at some of them.

    1. Scribd

    Scribd is one of the best online platforms for creating books out of audio. It was founded in 2007 by Chris Nodder and has since been acquired by Amazon. Scribd has a free tier service that you can use to get started.

    The good thing about Scribd is that they allow you to choose a template to fit your book. It includes a cover design, chapter titles, font style, etc. After making your changes, you can preview them on your computer or phone. This way, you can make sure everything is fine. You can also invite friends to read your book and give feedback.

    After you are happy with the results, you can publish your book on Scribd. It takes only a few minutes to complete the process, and you can make as many copies as you want.

    2. Podiobooks

    Podiobooks is another great online platform for turning your podcast into a book. Ben Folds created this platform. He came up with this idea because he wanted to convert his old audiobooks into eBooks. He started this project in 2010, and it is still under development.

    Podiobooks has both a free and premium plan. It is entirely free on the free plan and costs $5 per month on the premium plan. You can choose between three different templates to fit your needs. The premium plan also allows you to create a printable version of your book.

    3. Smashwords

    Smashwords is a famous eBook publisher allowing you to sell your eBook on all platforms. It provides the services of an eBook publisher to you.

    You can start selling your eBook on Smashwords right away. It will allow you to test the waters. Once you are confident with your eBook, you can then opt to have your eBook published on your website.

    4. BookBub

    BookBub is a publishing platform for authors and publishers. It is an app and web-based service that helps you reach more readers.

    You can write an exciting blog post, put up a call for submissions, and invite people to participate in the contest. This way, you can get more readers for your book.

    BookBub is also an online platform where readers can browse through books and read the reviews written by other readers. You can also discover new books based on your interests.

    5. Createspace

    Createspace is a platform that allows you to self-publish a book and get it printed. You can choose the cover design, paper quality, font type, and layout. It offers all the services that any traditional publisher provides, such as editing, formatting, marketing, and distribution.

    What Are The Steps For Turning Your Podcast Into A Book?

    • Step 1: Start by taking a look at your podcast. Do you have any idea what you want to accomplish with it? Is it just a hobby, or are you trying to make money?
    • Step 2: Determine your goals: What do you want to accomplish with your podcast? What are your goals?
    • Step 3: Determine your strategy: Determine your best strategy for making money. Do you want to sell a product, or do you like to offer a service?
    • Step 4: Determine your sales approach: Determine your best sales approach. Do you want to be a face-to-face, phone, email, or other type of a salesperson?
    • Step 5: Create a sales plan: Create a sales plan to reach your goals. It can be a simple list of steps to follow or a more complex project.
    • Step 6: Find a Publisher: You need to find a publisher who will take on the project. There are many different publishers, but the most popular ones are Amazon, Create Space, and Smashwords.
    • Step 7: Submit Your Book to a Publisher: Once you have found a publisher, you need to submit your book. The process can be long and tedious, but it's well worth it.

    Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Turn Your Podcast Into A Book

    Here is a look at some of the top six reasons why you should turn your podcast into a book.

    1: Increase Your Reach

    One of the biggest challenges in podcast monetization is getting enough people to listen to your podcast. A podcast can quickly go viral and become extremely popular, but most podcasts don't end up becoming successful.

    A book, on the other hand, provides a way to reach a much larger audience. A book doesn't have a cap on how many people can read it. You can make a lot of money if you write a good book.

    To see how much money a book can make, you need only look at Stephen King. He is the world's best-selling author, with over 450 books. His book sales total more than 7 billion dollars.

    2: You Will Earn Royalties

    Another thing that you'll notice is that your podcast will remain yours, no matter how many people buy your book. You will continue to earn money every time someone buys your book.

    If you create a book and sell it, it's unlikely that you'll earn millions of dollars, but it's not out of the question. If you write a book and sell it for $25, that's a $25 royalty. If you sell it for $100, that's another $25.

    3: You Can Keep The Brand Alive

    If you decide to become a successful author, you'll probably want to keep doing what you're doing. You'll want to continue to post podcasts, create videos, and so on.

    If you decide to turn your podcast into a book, you'll be able to do these things while also earning money from them. Your brand will continue to grow.

    4: It Will Help You Build A Career

    Turning your podcast into a book will give you a new avenue to pursue. You could use your book to promote your podcasts. Or, you could use it to promote yourself.

    The best part about this is that you'll be able to continue building your career and brand. You'll be able to do both, without having to choose between one or the other.

    5: You Can Get Paid Without Having To Do Anything

    When you turn your podcast into a book, you'll be able to write a book, and the publisher will take care of everything. They'll handle everything for you. They'll pay you and ship your book out to your customers. You can have your own business and work from home.

    6: You'll Be Able To Work Remotely

    When you turn your podcast into a book, you'll be able to work anywhere. You'll be able to work while you're on vacation. You won't have to worry about missing a deadline because you won't be in the office.

    What are Benefits Of Turning Your Podcast Into A Book?

    When you are an expert, you are known for your knowledge. To create a good impression among others, you must first prove yourself by writing a book. When you write your book, you create an asset that makes you more attractive to potential clients.

    Let's take an example of a person who is a professional in their field, say in the field of SEO. They are asked to write a book about their expertise, which becomes a resource that helps people understand what they know and how they can use their skills for better results.

    A book also provides a means to promote your brand and get more clients. It also helps to improve your credibility and build your reputation among others. Many top brands have published their books to boost their business.

    A book is a perfect medium for a person with skills who is an expert in his field. A book can be downloaded easily and can be accessed anytime, anywhere. It means your clients can benefit from your knowledge at any time.

    A book is also a way to increase your revenue. You can make money by selling the book, and you can also give it away as a freebie for those who might be interested.

    There are many benefits to publishing a book, and you can choose to publish your book online or offline.


    In conclusion, there are many ways to make money from a podcast, including advertising, affiliate marketing, and selling merchandise. The best way to make money from a podcast is to create a book that is based on your podcast and sell it through Amazon.

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    Written and Published By The Strategic Advisor Board Team
    C. 2017-2023 Strategic Advisor Board / M&C All Rights Reserved /

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