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    Why You Shouldn't Quit Your Day Job When You Start Working from Home

    Strategic Advisor Board

    The time to stop wasting your energy and start expanding your business is now. With the new technologies shaping up, it is just the right time to launch a venture you have been dreaming of for a long time. From building mind-blowing websites to creating highly-effective sales pitches, there are many things that you can do from home when you start working from home! Many people find working from home to be a great way to be flexible and adjust their schedules as needed. It can also offer some financial advantages, such as decreased commute time and less stress at work. There are a few things that you should keep in mind if you decide to work from home. However, one thing that does not change – it's all about having an idea and executing it well.

    Reasons to stay employed while working from home

    There are several reasons to stay employed while working from home, some of which are listed below.

    • You can continue to receive paychecks and benefits while you're away.
    • You have the flexibility to work when it's convenient for you - no need to time your day around someone else's schedule. 
    • You can be more productive without distractions since there is little socializing or entertainment going on in your home office environment. 
    • If something goes wrong at work, you don't have to worry about losing your job or not being able to support yourself financially. 

    Given these compelling reasons, why would anyone ever choose to go freelance? There may be certain times when freelancing is the best option for a particular project or client, but for most people staying employed is the superior option overall.

    The importance of continuity in your workflow

    Continuity is key to a successful workflow. If you're able to keep your continuity between projects the same, it makes planning and managing work much easier. Not only will this make life more organized, but it will also reduce the chance of mistakes happening.

    Here are a few tips for ensuring continuity in your workflow: 

    • Make use of templates or starting points whenever possible. This will save you time and effort in creating new documents each time you start a new project.
    • Use shared files and folders to store common information across all your projects. This way, when one project references information from another, everything is automatically updated without having to go through multiple copies of the information everywhere it's needed. 
    • Create detailed task lists that include specific details about each step involved in completing the task (e.g., who should be contacted at what point during the process). This ensures that everyone knows exactly what needs to happen for the project to be completed on schedule and error-free!

    Benefits of working from home

    There are plenty of benefits to working from home, whether you're a single mom trying to juggle work and childcare or an entrepreneur who wants to avoid the commute. Here are some key reasons why working from home is becoming increasingly popular: 

    Freedom and Flexibility

    Freedom and flexibility are two of the key benefits of working from home. These days, more and more businesses are recognizing that remote work is a viable option for their employees. Not only is it easier to manage employee responsibilities when they're not in the office, but employers also benefit from increased productivity and decreased absenteeism rates.

    There's no one definitive way to make working from home successful for your business. However, here are a few tips that can help you get started: 

    • Establish clear expectations with your employees about what works best for them when using remote work technology (e.g., set up time zones so everyone is on track). Communicate regularly with team members via chat or email if necessary; they will appreciate knowing what's going on without having to worry about being disruptive during regular office hours. 
    • Make sure all equipment required for remote work (computers, internet access, etc.) is properly configured and backed up in case of an emergency or problem. Also, ensure there are enough resources available should someone need assistance (such as printing documents or accessing files) while working remotely. 
    • Provide ample breaks throughout the day so people can refresh mentally and physically; this will help them avoid feeling overwhelmed or resentful toward working from home.

    Cost saving

    Cost saving is one of the many benefits of working from home. Depending on your specific situation, there may be several ways that working from home can save you money. 

    Here are just a few:

    • Reduced commuting time: If you work at home, you no longer have to waste time commuting to and from work every day. This will not only reduce your expenses but will also free up valuable time that you can use for other activities or pursuits. 
    • Reduced costs associated with office space: Not having an office reduces the costs associated with renting or purchasing an office space. This includes such things as utilities, furniture rental fees, and security services (among others). 
    • Increased productivity: Working remotely allows you to take advantage of natural light and fresh air whenever possible - both of which are known to boost productivity levels. Studies have shown that employees who work from home report feeling more productive than those who don't!

    Comfortable environment

    Many people enjoy the comfort and convenience of working from home. If you work flexible hours or take advantage of telecommuting opportunities, you may be able to get more done in less time than you would at an office job.

    However, not all work-from-home environments are created equal. If your goal is to achieve maximum productivity and satisfaction at home, then you must find an environment that is comfortable and accommodating. 

    Here are some tips for finding a comfortable work-from-home environment:

    • Choose the right platform. Working with a computer provides optimal flexibility but might not be ideal for some tasks (like handwriting). Look for platforms that allow you to use both hands for typing (such as WhatsApp) or devices with touch screens that make using computers easier.
    • Make use of noise-cancelling headphones or earbuds during noisy times. Alternatively, set up your workspace so noise doesn't bother you in the first place (by using white walls instead of heavy curtains).
    • Create a space where you feel relaxed and secure. Your sanctuary should provide enough space to stretch out and relax without distraction, plus features like lamps/shelves that keep your desk well-lit while keeping distractions at bay (a screen can also help reduce eye fatigue).


    There are several benefits to having peace at work. Not only can you get more done, but you also tend to be less stressed out overall. 

    Here are three primary reasons why peace at the office is a good thing: 

    1) You're More Productive

    One study showed that people who worked in noisy environments were 23% slower than those who worked in quieter ones. Additionally, another study found that workers who listen to music or other audio while they work have lower IQs than those who don't. Noise levels at work have even been shown to decrease productivity on average by 2%. So, if you want to be productive and hit your deadlines, try working without all the noise! 

    2) You Stay Calm under Pressure

    Studies show that being constantly bombarded with sounds from outside or inside your environment makes it difficult for us to think calmly under pressure. When we're not able to focus mentally due to auditory distractions, our stress response kicks into gear, and cortisol levels spike (leading to weight gain/weight loss problems) . Try focusing intently on one task instead of allowing all the background noise around you to distract you. 

    3) It Reduces Stress Levels Overall

    Stress harms both mental health and physical health in various ways-most notably by increasing rates of heart disease and cancer risk as well as decreasing cognitive function.


    Location is one of the most important factors when it comes to working from home. If you can find a way to work from where you feel comfortable, that's ideal. However, there are a few things you can do to make your location work-from-home experience more pleasant. 

    • Make sure your office is clean and organized. This will help reduce stress and distraction during working hours.
    • Bring some tools with you that will help with wide supportive tasks (like data entry or email checking). Having these small helpers nearby can eliminate much of the need for phone calls or meetings outside of work hours.
    • Choose an appropriate workspace and budget accordingly - if possible, try to find a space that has both good natural light and privacy (for those times when you need some peace). And remember: no matter how great your location may be, never forget the importance of quality telecommunications!

    Setting up a workspace that's comfortable and productive

    One of the most important parts of working from home is setting up a workspace that's comfortable and productive. You don't want to be spending your time sitting in an uncomfortable chair, surrounded by distractions, instead of focusing on your work. Here are some tips for creating a space that will help you get the most out of your workday:

    • Choose furniture that's adjustable and movable. This way, you can make adjustments to the seating arrangements as necessary.
    • Keep all surfaces clean and free of clutter. This will reduce visual clutter and allow you to focus better on your work.
    • Establish clear boundaries between different areas within the workspace so that you know where each task belongs.

    Tips for overcoming any distractions that might hinder productivity

    Distractions can be a major obstacle to productivity and success. However, there are a few things that you can do to overcome them and get back on track. 

    1. Set simple goals. Don't try to accomplish too much at once - instead, set manageable goals that you can achieve in short periods. This will help keep your focus sharp, and you'll more likely to achieve your overarching goals as well. 
    2. Break the task into smaller parts. When we're faced with a large project or problem, our minds tend to rebel against taking steps one by one toward resolution or completion. To combat this tendency, break up the larger task into several more manageable tasks that you can tackle over time (or even each day). This way, progress is still being made although it may not seem like it at first glance! 
    3. Take breaks often and appropriately. We naturally resist rest when we feel overwhelmed or stressed out; however, Taking regular breaks helps us rejuvenate both mentally and physically so that we are better able to face challenges head-on later on down the line."


    When you start working from home, you can put all your effort into making it a success. All the hard work that went into building the right business is going to be worth it because now you are no longer chained to 9 am-5 pm office hours!

    You just have to stay focused and keep in mind that self-discipline is what matters most while working from home. If you can manage this, you’ll get more time for your personal life and be able to save up on some of your financial issues as well.

    The Strategic Advisor Board is designed to help you get over, around or through so you can reach your next goal. That is what we were built for and we are really good. Just reach out and touch us here to setup a call and have a quick conversation with our team today.

    Written and Published By The Strategic Advisor Board Team
    C. 2017-2023 Strategic Advisor Board / M&C All Rights Reserved /

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