Do you know you can Close More Sales Using a Two-Step Process? A two-step approach is a tried-and-true way to close more sales. It's an old sales technique that has been used for many years with great success.
It's easy to become complacent in your sales process and think that you're doing all you can, but we all know that it's only a matter of time before another competitor steals more of your clients. Never settle for what's safe when there is still room to grow.
If you want to keep your clients and increase sales, then you need to start using a two-step sales process. A two-step sales process is where the prospect goes through a series of steps before purchasing. What are your chances of bumping into somebody you haven't seen for a long time at the grocery store? It's not very likely, is it!
So why is it so hard to close a sale with somebody you already know? You should be able to close a sale with somebody you already know better than someone on the street. The answer likely lies in this simple two-step process:
Your first impression is what everybody else gets to see when you first meet. You've just walked up to them, introduced yourself, and talked. You want to make a positive impression on them, but how? Here are some tips:
The most important part of making a good first impression is being friendly and smiling. Remember that you are trying to form an emotional connection with the person through your body language. When you smile and stand tall, you instill trust in the person that you are friendly and trustworthy. For a good example of this, look no further than how your child greets you at the bus stop every day.
The second piece of advice is to pay attention to proper body language. For example, if you walk up to somebody and "try" to shake their hand (which shows that you aren't really interested in what they have to say), they will notice this. And here is the most important tip:
Now that you have made a good impression, you don't want your buyer to forget about your product or service. You want to follow up with them the next day so that they remember what you said the previous day and buy from you. Here are some tips for following up with your potential buyer:
When sending an email, be sure to put their name in the subject line of their email. Be sure to include their name in every email as well. If possible, make it specific to them and personal. For example, make the email short and easy to read. Be sure that every sentence in the email has your name in it.
When sending a fax, use a short, two-sentence email as well. Be sure to include your business's website address and mention the date of their initial response.
One fact of life can make a salesperson the lifeblood of any company: If a sale can't be closed, there's little chance that it will ever happen. Once a product is in the customer's hands, there's no walking it back.
Through the art of closing, salespeople can move that product from their inventory into the customer's shopping cart and onto their doorstep. Here we must show you 9 different techniques for closing a sale. With these skills under your belt, your company will never have any problem getting customers to sign on the dotted line.
One of the most important parts of a closing technique is to ask your customer for their final decision. Specifically, close with these two questions:
The only thing that you should be asking after you've asked for the decision is if they need help making their purchase decisions. Do not make any attempt to sell them something else or upsell them. It will undermine your current sale and could cost you later.
Asking for the decision is a definite sign that you respect their time and that you're confident in your product or service. If they have any further questions, do not hesitate to address those issues and ensure that they are comfortable with the purchase and with your company. Only a yes or a no will achieve your objective when it comes down to it.
After you've asked for the customer's decision, but before they give you a response, it's very important to create urgency in your customer's mind. There are two ways to do this:
For example, if you are trying to close a sale for computer software, tell them how much more expensive it is going to be in six months or a year. If you're selling a house, remember to mention that they could lose potential offers by waiting.
Get creative with your predictions of what might happen if they do not make a purchase. The more they are worried about missing out on the opportunity, the more likely they will be to act. Expect their response to consist of some variation of: "I'm very interested. Let me think it over."
Once you have asked for the customer's decision and they give you a response, it's important to disqualify yourself from the sale. The best way to do this is to admit that you are an amateur creator and salesman of their product or service.
It is a salesperson's way of saying, "I'm a professional, and I never put my customers on the spot. You're in good hands." People love to feel in control. If you show them that you care about their future with your product or service, they will start to question their decision and will feel obligated to help you out.
Once the customer has given you their decision, it's time to close – with confidence. It means that you have to anticipate the customer's reaction and prepare for it. Think about what will be easy for them to do and what might not be as simple as they have hoped.
For example, if you are selling a house, it probably won't be a big deal for them to sign up for paperless billing through their utility provider. By thinking about what you can do for them, you will be able to come up with a better closing technique than you otherwise would.
For example, if your client is a contractor, think about all the bills they will be sending to the credit card company before and after signing up with your company. You may want to ask whether they have ever checked their credit score or how much money they spend each month on personal expenses – these are all opportunities for you to close the sale.
There are many ways that you can help customers make the decision that's best for them. It is especially true if you are selling a product or service that is very technical or has many new features. For example, when selling software, you can help customers by offering tips about working with the software, doing things faster and more efficiently, and even using it for specific purposes.
Closing sales isn't all about the pitch. It's also about the close. That is why you need to get up close to your customer and present yourself personally. For example, if you are selling a house, you can make it easier for your customer to sign up for paperless billing.
It is also important to make it a point to stand when you are talking to your customer. It shows them that you respect them and that you're confident in what you're saying. That said, do not stand too close, or your customer may feel intimidated. It also applies if you are selling a product or service from home: try not to have too many items on your desk and ensure that your TV is off.
If you are selling a product or service, do not be afraid to tell your customer what they will gain from using it. When you tell them about their future, they will feel a sense of urgency that will push them towards making the right decision today.
Timing is everything in sales. You may miss out on the opportunity if you are too early. If you are too late, however, your customer may be gone before you're able to convince them of your value.
That said, don't be rude when setting a deadline for your customer to make a purchasing decision. Be clear about what the deadline is and then ask for their decision. If they ask for more time, give it to them but do so in a polite way that does not make it seem like you're annoyed with them or ready to move on.
The benefits of a two-step sales process might be different depending on what industry you're in. However, the most popular reasons are: increased conversion rates and increased revenue. In this post, we'll explore both of these benefits in depth.
In terms of conversion rates, the two-step sales process is most advantageous in the following situations: You are selling a very expensive product. You are selling a complex or sensitive product/service. You are selling a high-cost/high-value product or service. You want to sell your product to a group of multiple decision-makers.
You can increase revenue in three ways when you have a two-step sales process. First, you can upsell your customers during the first sales step. It is especially true if you are selling a high-priced product or service.
Cross-selling is when a customer clicks on an advertisement and purchases more than one product on a single order. It is especially true for small businesses with only a few products available for sale. Third, your two-step process will increase loyalty and potentially reduce returns if done right.
Of all the benefits of a two-step sales process, this one is the hardest to quantify. However, it is possible for a company to increase its profit margins by 20% or more when doing business online. It is because you can allow your customer to think about purchasing another product from you. In addition, if your business uses a shopping cart software system that allows customers to conveniently make multiple purchase orders at once, you can lure customers into making more purchases.
Because each sales step is longer, a two-step sales process means you will have more time available to concentrate on each step. It can be beneficial if you are trying to get prospects or customers to buy before placing a bid on the next prospect or customer.
One of the greatest benefits of a two-step sales process is that it makes it possible to ignite an emotional response in your prospects and customers. It is valuable because it allows you to be more creative and to use a more personal appearance to get your sales.
You have more time to ask for the sale in a two-step sales process than in a one-step process. It enables you to ask for the sale without any pressure mounting on your customer or prospect. It makes it easier to follow up with a reminder email or phone call asking if they are interested in purchasing something from you.
While there are benefits to a two-step sales process, you have to ensure it's implemented correctly. Not only do you need to avoid losing sales, but you also don't want to lose a customer because they never get to see the value that your business brings.
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Written and Published By The Strategic Advisor Board Team
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