Networking is a means to expand your network and create commercial relationships. Your network helps you find employment, improves your chances of finding potential investors and makes it easier to be successful. Do you know your network is your net worth?
An essential part of networking is building relationships with other people in the business world. To construct these social relationships, start by making yourself visible on social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
a) Post articles and products on LinkedIn
b) Add contacts you find interesting on LinkedIn to your contact list
c) Join communities on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin and do at least 10-20 minutes of community participation each day.
These communities are where job seekers and employers interact.
Start by thinking about the people in your network that can help you expand your network. Contact these people and ask them if they think your network could help you somehow.
Another thing you can do to build your network is meet more people. In addition to building relationships with existing contacts, it is also essential to make referrals to people who have similar interests and new connections. Reaching out to new contacts on Linkedin can be a good way of doing that.
The days of networking purely by simply meeting people at conferences and events are over. It is essential to have an online presence as well. It can be a blog or website that you write for your company or business. It could also just be a Twitter account that you use to provide links to articles you register for your business or company blog.
Another way to build your network is by mentoring others. Being a mentor will significantly expand your network. In addition, it is an excellent way to build stronger professional relationships with your colleagues and potential investors.
Expanding your network is essential, but you need to be strategic. Ensure that the contacts you make can be relevant to what you are trying to achieve and may help you achieve those goals.
You need to know how you are going to make use of your networking skills and what type of networking is most effective for your business. You must plan when and how you will make use of your network.
It is also essential that you keep track of all the contacts in your network. Having this information will help you identify what communications or networks may be able to provide a solution to a problem or help grow your business.
1. Networking is a street-smart tactic for career success. Everybody knows you have to get out there, shake hands, and make contacts to succeed in business.
2. Networking lets you observe your surroundings and promote your points of view. If you want to improve the world at large, you need to know what wrongs exist within it so that you can fix them or start fresh with new ideas from scratch.
3. Networking is a way to learn and be educated. We don't all have to be graduates of the best universities; we can learn from those lesser-educated than us by listening to their conversations, joining their networking events, and asking the right questions.
4. Networking is a great way to get to know the right people who can help you advance within your field. If you want your business to grow, you need others on your team who will go out there and get it done for you.
5. Networking is a great way to meet influential people. It doesn't matter if you are new to a particular industry or profession. You can use your existing network's connections to introduce you to others who can give you advice and ideas and help your business grow.
6. Networking is also an excellent way for busy people to save time. The biggest obstacle we face in our daily lives is finding the time and energy required to accomplish our work. Networking allows us to meet people who can help free up the time and energy we need to continue developing our careers, both personally and professionally.
7. Networking is an excellent way for people of different backgrounds to come together and learn from one another. It's a lot easier for two people of different races or ethnicities to get along once they experience each other's company. Networking helps us realize that people of all backgrounds are just like us, and we can learn a lot from one another by building professional relationships.
8. Networking is a great way to make friends who share your interests and values. You can't necessarily go out there and meet all the friends you need on your own; sometimes, a little professional networking is necessary to find like-minded individuals who share the same interests as you.
9. Networking is a great way to help someone in need without getting credit for it. When you're helping someone out of necessity, you never know who is watching—it could be your future boss, client, or colleague. Networking lets you find people who need your help and give it to them without being recognized.
10. Networking helps build your resume. You need to demonstrate your expertise and knowledge to potential employers; the best way to do this is by showing them that you've made connections that have helped you learn valuable information in the workplace.
11. Networking helps you get hired at a better place. Many businesses love having employees already known by other companies, so they make an effort to hire people who already have experience working for other companies.
12. Networking can help you get in on things before they happen. If you're noticing a trend happening in your industry, it's wise to get on top of the issue before your competitors do so that you can reach out to influencers ahead of them.
13. Networking helps you find mentors and sponsors. When you meet people who have already made it in your industry or profession, they're often willing to offer guidance and advice about what it takes to succeed at the highest levels.
14. Networking can help you land jobs that are less competitive overall. It's a lot easier to get into a company you want to work for if you already have connections with the people there.
15. Networking helps you develop your brand. Whenever you make a connection, it shows others that you are a person of value who has made a name for themselves in the business world.
16. Networking helps you focus on what matters most to you rather than what pays the highest salary. You need to be doing something that you love to do daily if you want your career to succeed.
17. Networking allows you to spend more time with your family and friends. When your friends and family know about the connections you have made in business, it will enable them to trust your judgment and reach out for help with their issues at work or in their personal lives.
18. Networking increases your chances of getting a promotion. Your boss will trust you more if he or she sees that you're making connections on your own, which shows initiative and leadership.
19. Networking gives you a better understanding of how the world works. You will have a greater perspective on how people in different parts of the globe think and act, which can help you better develop your views on business and career development.
20. Networking helps you learn about new events and opportunities years in advance. Because of the virtual world we live in today, you can stay in touch with many people without ever going out and making all those phone calls. You can stay up-to-date on what's going on in the business world long before it becomes an issue.
21. Networking helps you grow and develop. Nothing is better than building relationships with amazing people that will help further build your brand and value as a person.
22. Networking helps you see unlimited possibilities for your future or business. Because you're getting out there, meeting new people, and acting as a connector in your industry, you can do more with less—which means you're opening up a world of possibilities for yourself and your business that wouldn't have existed without networking in the first place.
23. Networking opens many doors, but it doesn't guarantee anything. That being said, just because your network with many influential people doesn't mean that you'll suddenly land your dream job. However, it will help get your name out there and give others a reason to call you when they need someone to help them accomplish their own goals.
24. Networking helps keep you in the loop on valuable information and up-and-coming events in your area of interest. You never know when an opportunity will arise that you can take advantage of and use to bring you closer to your goals.
25. Networking opens doors for your friends and family, too. When you reach out and help other people in business, they will be willing to pay it forward when it comes to helping you out with your career or personal struggles in the future.
26. Networking helps expand your understanding of who God wants you to become in life. You should never limit your potential in any area of life by placing boundaries on yourself or your surroundings. Instead, see every opportunity to grow and learn to become a better version of yourself than you ever could have been before.
27. Networking gives you knowledge of what's going on in the business world that might help you improve your career or business. You can learn about trends in your industry that aren't even affecting you yet, which can help you leave a legacy in your industry before it's too late.
28. Networking fills up the time between jobs and helps prevent you from being jobless completely. When you have a person to temporarily help you get out of the workforce, you have more time to focus on yourself and your goals in life.
29. Networking helps you stick with a career that you've been happy with for a long time. If you get out of a job but don't have an industry or job that's brought joy to your heart, you're going to feel lost because no matter what kind of work it is, there will always be people who love it more and are better at what they do.
30. Networking keeps your focus on the quality of life and not the color of your paycheck. Figure out what's important to you and pursue it with all your heart. Losing yourself in a job or career while neglecting your health might not seem like a big deal at first, but it will affect the rest of your life in the long run. Live for more than just money and look for work that brings you true happiness and fulfillment.
To make the best decision possible when it comes time to buy a new car, it's helpful to have a model in mind. The same can be said for business purchases. Knowing what kind of business you want to start and who you want to do it with will be much easier.
Going into business without your network's help could lead to bad decisions. Have a model for what kind of business you want to start? Then use your network to help develop it.
Make calls, especially in the early stages of starting a business, and share your idea with people over the phone. Try not to make yourself look like an overeager rookie when you're selling or pitching an idea or product. You will only sell yourself short if you do this. If someone is interested, then proceed to the next step.
There's nothing worse than having an excellent idea for a business that you want to start and not being able to find the necessary help. Therefore, use your network to find people who are also excited about your idea but don't yet know about it.
When you're trying to get people interested in something, it's usually better to go through someone they already know and trust than through a random ad that they've seen on television. If someone you know likes your idea, ask them to share it with others.
Even if you have a business plan, it's always good to have someone else look at it and offer their opinions and expertise. It's also a good idea to reach out to your network when you're trying to find an answer to a specific business question.
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Written and Published By The Strategic Advisor Board Team
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