NFT's are a new way to use blockchain technology in a world where physical objects can be transferred peer-to-peer. Basically, it's like e-commerce on the blockchain. An NFT is an asset that can be transferred without a centralized intermediary and gives ownership to whoever holds the private key. This article will discuss all The New World of NFT's
NFT is a term of Block chain technology that refers to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), which are digital items that exist inside the block chain and can be traded digitally in a peer-to-peer fashion with no involvement from a third party as PayPal or eBay, according to Investopedia. Block chain technology enables users to trade items without the need for a third-party transaction.
Let's start with what NFTs are. Rather than a traditional product like an apple or orange, NFTs are tokens that represent digital assets. These assets usually reside on decentralized blockchain networks or protocols like Ethereum or Bitcoin. These assets can be precious digital collectibles (think CryptoKitties), digital currencies (like Ether), and even tokens representing an annuity or insurance policy.
NFTs are not meant to replace money but rather provide an alternative for buying and selling goods, services, or other assets. For example, you could "sell" an NFT for $1 then use the proceeds to buy food or rent an apartment.
The idea of NFTs is not new to the block chain ecosystem. The term was initially introduced by the creator of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, in 2014 as part of a blog post detailing the different types of digital assets and value exchange protocols that could reside on the Ethereum platform.
Vitalik's original use case for NFTs was digital collectibles or trading cards. CryptoKitties popularized this market before they introduced non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
You have $100,000 worth of equity in your primary residence. You can convert that equity into a "token" on the blockchain. The tokenized asset could represent the title deed to your home and would work like any other real estate investment you might have in liquid markets like the New York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ.
Let's say you have a 100-year-old lemon tree on your property. In the future, that lemon tree's potential value could be determined by the number of lemons it produces each year. For example, suppose the average lemon tree is expected to produce 100 lemons in its first year and every year after that. In that case, your lemon tree might have a theoretical value of $10 million at maturity. Suppose a company or individual wanted to invest in your lemon tree today (even if you plan on eating all those lemons). In that case, they could do so by purchasing tokens representing future benefits of said asset.
Lately, crypto enthusiasts have dreamed up crazy use cases for various digital assets. Some even go so far as to suggest that we will tokenize physical goods like houses, farmland, and gold. NFTs are one of these ideas.
One of the best ways to create value is to tokenize a physical asset through scarcity. The inventors of CryptoKitties realized this and developed their game to make sure that every single cat needed to be unique. Every new kitty also required a unique genetic code, and it was impossible to "clone" or create another copy of it. This mechanism created a scarcity where other digital collectibles could not compete with the value produced by an NFT with a limited supply.
An acronym for a non-fungible token, NFTs may be the hottest innovation in digital assets. Here is a list of ten trends that show how this technology is transforming online games and beyond.
1- Non-fungible tokens are coins that have unique identifiers not only by name but by their abilities and properties. The most well-known example of this is CryptoKitties, an app where users can buy or breed digital cats worth different amounts of the cryptocurrency ether.
2- NFTs are "programmable assets" that can feature unique attributes that may not be replicated. Due to their nature, NFTs could be used to represent assets such as collectible items, real estate, and even votes.
3- In 2018, entrepreneurs are thinking about using crypto-collectibles for charitable crowdfunding campaigns. It means that the donated tokens would be non-fungible and would have an expiration date or a time frame when they need to be used in order to get their purpose. If a donor is contributing with crypto-collectibles, they most likely have a different time frame for their use than the project they support.
4- NFTs could become a new way of raising funds for companies and projects. An example of this is Argyle Coin, which used tokenized diamonds as an ICO – Initial Coin Offering – to fundraise for its block chain startup by selling collectible gems to investors. By doing so, Argyle Coin raised $ 4.48 million in just a few hours.
5- NFTs could be used to solve the multi-billion dollar gaming industry problems. The use of NFTs is already proving that it would be beneficial for those consumers who buy and sell virtual assets in games like "Overwatch," "Borderlands 2," and "DOTA 2".
6- NFTs could also be used to provide an alternative to a traditional banking system, especially for millennials and others with lower income levels. For example, users could save money using these assets that can represent the currency's value. Also, they could receive remittances in the form of digital tokens from relatives abroad.
7- The use of non-fungible tokens is growing among companies and startups that provide FinTech services. This industry is worth $212.7 billion and mainly comprises financial institutions, banks, and e-commerce companies.
8- As more NFTs are created, a market for trading the tokens will soon develop. It means that the real value will determine the price of those coins that they carry.
9- The use of non-fungible tokens could also be considered a way to solve some legal issues faced in modern legal systems. For instance, they could be used in court as evidence when it comes to proving the ownership of rare and expensive physical items, like artwork.
10- NFTs are not just coins using block chain technology; they are a new way of thinking and implementing the virtual reality we live in. Block chain is a decentralized and transparent ledger that is used to record information chronologically, publicly, and in an immutable way.
The speed and the novelty of this technology are attractions for many investors and entrepreneurs that want to engage in it.
However, block chain networks need to be able to handle the scale of increased adoption before NFTs go mainstream.
Proof-of-work (POW) block chains like Bitcoin and Ethereum cannot deliver the transaction throughput required to support NFTs. It has led to the development of proof-of-stake (POS) block chains that are explicitly designed for enterprise-level applications.
In POS block chain systems, validators (i.e., nodes on the network) need to be selected through an "election" process. This process aims to determine which nodes have the most stake in a particular blockchain and that their vote should be weighted more heavily because they are stakeholders.
In proof-of-stake, value is based on the amount of time you hold Q tokens. If you hold Q for 30 days, then you have 30 XQ. If you want to get rid of XQ and get back a dollar, you may have to sell it at a discount. There is a built-in incentive to support the network and hold your tokens on the blockchain in this system.
Another type of POS block chain is the delegated POS system, where you can choose who you want to vote for in order to help secure the network. It means that anyone can create tokens for whatever physical good, digital asset, or another item they would like to tokenize.
Many important issues need to be addressed with the creation of an NFT:
Before we can begin creating digital assets on a block chain, there needs to be a way to make sure that tokens represent something real.
A key feature of NFT-based digital assets is being able to create value by assigning an immutable reputation score or rating associated with the asset in question.
In other words, if you have a "good" kitty and it is awarded a high reputation score, then the value of your digital asset may increase. On the other hand, the lower your kitty's reputation score, the fewer people may be willing to pay for it.
The same could be true if an individual or organization owns a tokenized piece of real estate in a smart contract on the block chain. The reputation score or rating of the real estate token could affect the price of that particular asset.
Of course, a reputation score is not a perfect solution. To create a meaningful reputation score, you would need to assign each NFT with an algorithm that produces scores based on how well it performs on the block chain in terms of transaction volume, security, and decentralization.
A reputation score is a fantastic way to assign value to digital assets. Still, it requires the existence of an algorithm that can assess how well a token performs and make objective determinations about the reputation of a particular block chain.
It is where computational scaling issues may arise. In order to run this type of reputation system, you would need to have the capacity for millions of interactions per second. If you have millions of transactions per second, then the scalability of your POS blockchain network must be able to handle this volume without compromising transaction execution.
Of course, individual NFTs could be worth less than an entire block chain network. It will mean that the value of each NFT is tied to the overall performance and reputation of the whole ecosystem.
If a single NFT or a particular block chain is doing well, it's likely that most of its associated tokens will also experience value growth.
However, if a single NFT or a particular block chain is not doing well, all associated tokens will likely experience a decrease in value. Put another way, if all of the NFTs on a particular blockchain are doing poorly, then, likely, all of the block chain's associated tokens will perform poorly.
Putting it all together, NFTs can lead to greater transparency of the supply chain and provide users with the ability to derive value from their assets based on reputation.
The fact that a digital asset is more popular or has a better reputation score than another or that an NFT is trying to become more regulated will be reflected in the price. It can make it easier for you to determine which one is likely to be worth more in the future.
However, the fact that an NFT token is tied to a particular blockchain and cannot be moved elsewhere means that the performance of the blockchain may always determine the price of a particular NFT. It is in contrast to many other cryptocurrencies where you can move around your tokens from one block chain to another.
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